A guy walks up to a bar and there's a horse in front of it.
So he enters the bar to ask the bartender why the hell there's a horse in front of his bar.
On wich the bartender replies, "it's this contest, the first who makes the horse luagh gets €250"
Our guy goes to that horse and whispers something in its ear, on wich the horse starts rolling on the floor luaghing out loud.
250 euros richer our guy goes back home.
A week later, our guy goes to that same bar, and the same horse is still in front of it.
He asks the bartender, why is the horse still in front of your bar? I tought i won???
The bartender replied, it's this new game, the first to get the horse to cry gets 250 euros.
Again the man goes to the horse, and guess what, the horse starts crying out loud.
Baffled by this the bartender asks our guy, how he did it. Our guy explains:
The first time I told the horse, "mine is bigger than yours", and the second time I showed him!

It's one of these days...