Joined: Jun 2020
IIRC Larian want to get back to Divinity / their own IP anyways, e.g. not turn into a D&D franchise dev. If they're clever and the game turns out successful, they'll license their engine for exactly that kind of thing though. Icewind Dale 3, make it happen.
Last edited by Sven_; 17/07/20 09:45 PM.
Joined: Mar 2020
If they're clever and the game turns out successful, they'll license their engine for exactly that kind of thing though.
Would that be clever though? Engine and tech they built is their greatest advantage. If I were them I would guard it as a trade secret. Sure, it would result in more possibly great RPGs for us, but might not be beneficial for them. IE games, after all, were made under same publisher. Aurora engine was spread around, though.
Joined: Sep 2019
I would love to see an entire franchise around BG , and D&D in general. If BG3 plays as well as it looks already I would be for expanding Larian to handle multiple vertical projects similar to how Marvel has regular releases to their movies.
Things I would love to see
Yearly or bi-yearly DLC (expansions to story and increase levels) GM/DM mode Sequels
Using the same engine would like to expand into new stories perhaps stand alones. , and perhaps even new realms (i.e. Dragonlance etc.)
The games are as endless as the tabletop
Joined: May 2019
Well the CEO of WotC has said in multiple interviews in recent years that he wants to make D&D games across the full range of different types of videogames so that there is something for every D&D fan. In that spirit, I would hope WotC doesn't just have Larian be their sole developer for D&D RPGs, and that other studios with different visions for what would be a good D&D game also get to make D&D games so that those of us for whom this game is not what we want can also have D&D games to enjoy.
Joined: Sep 2019
Well the CEO of WotC has said in multiple interviews in recent years that he wants to make D&D games across the full range of different types of videogames so that there is something for every D&D fan. In that spirit, I would hope WotC doesn't just have Larian be their sole developer for D&D RPGs, and that other studios with different visions for what would be a good D&D game also get to make D&D games so that those of us for whom this game is not what we want can also have D&D games to enjoy. I believe there are 4 games in production right now as we speak. 2 have been announced. Dark Alliance and BG3 are the only two announced at the moment.
Joined: Jun 2020
Well the CEO of WotC has said in multiple interviews in recent years that he wants to make D&D games across the full range of different types of videogames so that there is something for every D&D fan. In that spirit, I would hope WotC doesn't just have Larian be their sole developer for D&D RPGs, and that other studios with different visions for what would be a good D&D game also get to make D&D games so that those of us for whom this game is not what we want can also have D&D games to enjoy. I believe there are 4 games in production right now as we speak. 2 have been announced. Dark Alliance and BG3 are the only two announced at the moment. My inside source reveals the other 2 are a kart racer and a free to play mobile puzzle game. Something for everyone... Te he he.
Joined: Jan 2018
Well the CEO of WotC has said in multiple interviews in recent years that he wants to make D&D games across the full range of different types of videogames so that there is something for every D&D fan. In that spirit, I would hope WotC doesn't just have Larian be their sole developer for D&D RPGs, and that other studios with different visions for what would be a good D&D game also get to make D&D games so that those of us for whom this game is not what we want can also have D&D games to enjoy. I believe there are 4 games in production right now as we speak. 2 have been announced. Dark Alliance and BG3 are the only two announced at the moment. My inside source reveals the other 2 are a kart racer and a free to play mobile puzzle game. Something for everyone... Te he he. I would totally play a legit D&D kart racer.
Joined: May 2019
Well the CEO of WotC has said in multiple interviews in recent years that he wants to make D&D games across the full range of different types of videogames so that there is something for every D&D fan. In that spirit, I would hope WotC doesn't just have Larian be their sole developer for D&D RPGs, and that other studios with different visions for what would be a good D&D game also get to make D&D games so that those of us for whom this game is not what we want can also have D&D games to enjoy. I believe there are 4 games in production right now as we speak. 2 have been announced. Dark Alliance and BG3 are the only two announced at the moment. In a December 2018 interview he said something like 10 or 12 games over the next five years. But that includes mobile-only games. My dream come true would be if they let Obsidian do a Neverwinter Nights 3 (with no change in the combat system). And I would totally buy and play the new Dark Alliance if not for the fact that it cannot realistically be played single-player.
Last edited by kanisatha; 19/07/20 12:01 AM.
Joined: Mar 2013
a new neverwinter nights game would indeed be nice
the new pathfinder is basically that features wise, but peresistant worlds are missing
Last edited by Sordak; 19/07/20 01:03 PM.
Joined: Jul 2019
Just realized the project is Brazilian. This is huge, I really hope WoTC or Bioware support this.
Joined: Mar 2013
larian already wanted to work with another developer giving them their engine so i dont see why they wouldnt in the future...
Joined: Jun 2019
Just realized the project is Brazilian. This is huge, I really hope WoTC or Bioware support this. Can i play BG2 reloaded WITH spell fixes? NWN2 is UNPLAYABLE without spell fixes. What I really wanna is Icewind Dale 3, a Dark Sun or a Ravenloft game. Sword Coast is cool but not everything needs to happens in Sword Coast.
Joined: Jan 2020
Just realized the project is Brazilian. This is huge, I really hope WoTC or Bioware support this. The project has been going a long time; they went through the legal requirements to release many years ago. If you have the BG series of games ( for voice/sound assets), as well as NWN2 and both expansions, you can download and play BG/TOSC in the NWN2 engine from https://www.nexusmods.com/neverwinter2/mods/794I played it when it was released, and it was a little buggy, but that has apparently been fixed. I'll probably give it another go at some point. If this is something that interests you, another modder also produced IWD for the NWN2 engine, which you can also find on the NexusMods web site https://www.nexusmods.com/neverwinter2/mods/31There were a number of other interesting "big" game mod projects that didn't work out... There was an attempt to re-make BG2 in the Dragonage:Origins toolkit called "Baldurs Gate Redux"; unfortunately, they forgot to ensure that the engine was actually capable of doing what they wanted, and legally allowed to use BG sound assets, so the project folded. The 3D assets and art may still be lurking on modding web sites somewhere. This video gives you an idea of how it would have looked https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhL8iKN3rVA.There was also an intent to produce an ambitious and interesting trilogy of games in the Planescape world ( NWN2 engine again ), from a group that called themselves "Rogue Dao Studios". They also underestimated how much effort is required to actually get from concept to reality  The project folded, but I believe the project lead, Monty Markland, went on to work for Obsidian Studios. They did release some demonstrator versions, if you fancy wasting a few hours wandering round their concept. Be warned if you choose to look at this, it is definitely NOT a finished game; some places there is content, others there is nothing but a map. Some places you can enter, but not exit, and have to start over! https://www.nexusmods.com/neverwinter2/mods/136
Joined: Jan 2020
Just realized the project is Brazilian. This is huge, I really hope WoTC or Bioware support this. Can i play BG2 reloaded WITH spell fixes? NWN2 is UNPLAYABLE without spell fixes. What I really wanna is Icewind Dale 3, a Dark Sun or a Ravenloft game. Sword Coast is cool but not everything needs to happens in Sword Coast. I'm not sure what spell fixes does, but this is a remake in the NWN2 engine, so it has all the pros and cons of that engine. If you liked the NWN2 spells you would be fine, but I think I recall you saying you didn't ? EDIT: Misread your post  If spell fixes is an NWN2 mod, it will work as long as it does not change any of the same scripts that BGR1/2 use. The easiest way to find out is to try  Don't forget, this is not a professional, paid-for product, but a fan tribute to the original games. It took them 7 years to get BG/ToSC done, and they are still workinf on BG2/ToB. As for other games, IWD1 in the NWN2 engine does exist - see my previous post.
Last edited by etonbears; 22/07/20 09:16 PM. Reason: Correction of content.
Joined: Jan 2020
a new neverwinter nights game would indeed be nice
the new pathfinder is basically that features wise, but peresistant worlds are missing You probably know that Beamdog have published a new NWN1 module. From what I understand, they are also evolving NWN:EE to be more modern. They showed off 3D character models a while back and they published model data formats and rendering information to their community. I think their aim is to maintain backward compatibility with original modules and community content ( which is legion, but very low polygon-count ), while enabling new modules and content that is > NWN2 in model quality, but < BG3. I haven't looked for a while, so I don't know if their end-goal is more clearly defined now, but that may be a route to PW content. I believe some of the old content maintainers are quite interested in this, but heven't really followed what is going on.
Joined: Jun 2019
Only if its released with a updated version of Bg3 with real time combat. This is the way. I have spoken.
Last edited by Doomlord; 20/07/20 03:12 AM.
DRAGON FIRE-AND DOOM Dragons? Splendid things, lad-so long as ye look upon them only in tapestries, or in the masks worn at revels, or from about three realms off... Astragarl Hornwood, Mage of Elembar - Year of the Tusk
Joined: Mar 2013
i dont care about NWN modules tbh, they are not interresting.
the good thing abotu NWN is the toolset and the multiplayer, also definitly not giving beamdog any money
Joined: Jun 2020
Too bad the cameras in NWN2 are so bad. Obsidian back then lacked experience in the 3d field and it shows, unfortunately.
Last edited by Sven_; 20/07/20 12:45 PM.
Joined: Jan 2020
i dont care about NWN modules tbh, they are not interresting.
the good thing abotu NWN is the toolset and the multiplayer, also definitly not giving beamdog any money I thought PWs and modules shared the same toolset, and could both use the same non-module content ( hakpaks ), but maybe I'm wrong. What's your beef with Beamdog, anyway ?