Originally Posted by spacehamster95

On the other hand, using Origin characters present a unique opportunity for the writers to create PCs with a real, living and breathing backstory (something I think is always lacking with custom build heroes). For instance, the reason I could never immerse myself with Pathfinder: Kingmaker, is that I felt my protagonist was a total stranger in the game world: they had no past, no personal connections, no nothing.

I think Kingmaker's issue is a bit different, and it is an issue D:OS2 shares - not really allowing players to express who their characters are. Even BG2, as most Bioware RPGs, which isn't great on reactivity or role-playing bit does often question and confront player on his motivations. That's a bit of role-playing that planescape nailed - not only what you do, but why you do it, what you think etc. At the very beginning of PoE1 you have conversation with a temporary companion which is using background you have picked in character creation in which you can make a statement as to who your character is. This is not reactivity I am talking about BTW (Pathfinder has a lot of choice&consequence, but I don't feel it reflects on my character or how the world sees my character), but game giving player space to express their character - and then if appropriate react to it.

In D:OS2 I think this weight lies on your coop buddies. Companions or NPC aren't set up to react to you, question you or challenge you. They will nicelt fall in line, in spite of conflicting objectives, because no one is controlling them - so who cares.

No things I liked in BG3 demo which made me come to this forum - conversation seem so much much better. Both in options are your disposal and overall quality of interactions. Goblin camp looked like lots of fun, with systemic freedom but also with handcrafter reactions and scenarios with different outcomes. In companion conversation in the demo you got drilled and critiqued on your take on the demon guy - that's great! You get to express your character, and companion gets to express herself.

If game is filled with that kind of content, custom character might work just fine!