As far as I know, in Pathfinder:kingmaker game you do not have a premade character, you can do a character from scratch, choosing everything from alignment to race to skills to class and backstory and you have unique dialogues for different character builds and plenty of reply options; not the dialogue wheel with 3 responses that is common in many games and even thought they do not ask about your past you have plenty of conversations about what you did or the decisions you made in the game or the consequences of that actions in the midgame and beyond. Heck, you even have different outcomes that rely on your decisions in the Varnhold DLC.
Companions have plenty to say about the world, the latest news or your decisions or have conversations between them at camp. They also leave you or turn against you if you just ignore them or you´ve been a plain jerk. In that regard they the devs of Owlcat have my approval.
There are plenty of fantastic games with a premade character with an story forced into you (Witcher, Mass effect, Last of us, Max Payne, most JRPGS, etc) but you sometimes want the freedom of a character entirely made by you.
Good thing origin characters are optional for people that do not like this kind of feature, but allows other people to enjoy them if they´re into it.