Originally Posted by Torque

c) Max party size of 4. Speaking of keeping the "soul of the original games present in the sequel" this is one of those things I dont understand. I like bigger parties, I like to have lots of companions to chose from (thats another thing, I cannot know this obviously but my guess is that there will be very few options when it comes to party composition, an issue with Pathfinder: Kingmaker aswell).

I am aware of 5 origins/companions so far. I am sure there will be more to come, but we will see how many. I don't expect to see BG2 amount of companions, though as modern companions tend to have more depth, it is somewhat understandable. Ideally one would want one companion per class, though I think it's unlikely to happen. We can curely make custom merceneries,though that's not quite the same.

4 is below my preference. I though Deadfire worked alright with 5, but 4 always felt too little for me. You will have tank, DPS, healer, caster, and that's kinda it. I feel 5 or 6 gives a bit more room to wiggle.

d) Railroad narrative. I think its been confirmed that there wont be an open world to explore? Like, when you enter a new chapter you cant go back to previous areas or enter areas that would be deadly to a low level party. I might be wrong on this one though.

No, we don't actually know anything about the structure of the game. Assumingly it will be somewhat similar to D:OS2 - Coop is still a thing, and devs want players to be able to split so there will be most likely fewer, bigger maps, rather then lots of smaller ones like in BG1&2. EA is supposed to come with a zone bigger then EA of D:OS2. But how the story will progress, and there will be any back&forth between locations is unknown. I can't really imagine they would d BG3 and not try to make a proper, central city, which you will visit, stay in and return to throughout the game. Comeon, your RPG is only as good as your city content.

Last edited by Wormerine; 28/07/20 07:23 PM.