i personally don't think the basic abilities are that flashy, or really flashy at all. they are distinct in their animations, but I welcome that, especially in a MP environment where it helps people stay aware of what abilities people are using. i'm sure we'll have a combat log of sorts, too, but I prefer to see the stuff in action and easily be able to identify what's happening to combing over a combat log.
Which would be more evidence that the game is being made specifically for MP, even if it means a "lesser" experience in SP.
Larian has said they plan on making games that are both great in single player and multiplayer,, and that it will be a focus on their titles moving forward. so you're partially right, it's being made with MP in mind but not specifically. Even for a SP game, this is something I would want, which is why I mentioned the combat log stuff.
Well I play only in SP, and this is something that takes away from my positive SP experience. I hate the idea of using flashy animations as a way of providing information to me as the player. I'd much rather be able to look for that information in a traditional dialog box in the corner of my screen. I hate info being forced upon me, and would rather have it be under my control as to what info I choose to access and when I access it. This is also true of those die rolling animations in the middle of the screen every time a die-based check of some sort happens. I imagine many people think it is "cool." For me it is horrible trash and destroys my immersion. Just tell me what the die roll was in the dialog box.
I'm actually a fan of the dice rolling. It makes me feel like I'm more in power of the outcome (obviously I'm not). But it also gives that moment of suspense and dread not knowing if it will work. This suspense makes successes feel a lot better. This is just my view on it, but I am very much a fan.