Joined: Feb 2020
Haha I'm so agree with you about the names, especially Shadowheart that looks so unreal whatever is your mother tongue. Looks more like an ID on a forum or the name of a youtube channel than a name... If that's her final name, I really really hope they won't translate it in french because I can imagine how it could feel ridiculous to native english speaker. I can't imagine my face if I have to read "Coeur d'Ombre" in the game 
Last edited by Maximuuus; 30/07/20 12:52 PM.
Joined: Jun 2019
Sometimes fantasy names work really well when they have a hint of historical accuracy. Did anyone ever notice this contrast of family names in Game of Thrones:
Stark vs. Lannister
York vs. Lancaster
Joined: Mar 2013
the name is indeed very strange, honestly all the NPCS are a bit... odd
Joined: Sep 2017
I can't imagine my face if I have to read "Coeur d'Ombre" in the game  It´s even worse in Spanish. "Corazón de la sombra" or "corazon sombrío", that´s a Soap opera name. Maybe its just me, but I think Will is a good, fantasy name, like Sam. His parents are celebrities so they had to do something weird with it. Will would be a fine name, indeed. Problem is the guy´s called "Wyll with an Y" as in "I´m Stacy with an i " "Hey there, stranger, I´m Wyll with an Y. Holly gosh, you too? I was like, chilling out and planning my to crush my next mani-pedi and then that creepy tentacle guy appear and I was like... I´m not into that kinky kara-tur stuff. And it totally put a tadpole in my eye, messing up my daily fat perc and also my hair. Where I´m going to find a decent snipper in this wilderness?". (Please Larian show us the voice of the guy sooner later than later, scenes like this keep coming to my head every time his name comes up)
Last edited by _Vic_; 30/07/20 04:36 PM.
Joined: Jul 2020
This doesn't exactly take place on Earth. Perhaps Wyll is the norm and Will is strange. I'd be more weirded out to see Will actually, it's too close to home and breaks some of that fantasy immersion that I get.
Joined: Aug 2018
This doesn't exactly take place on Earth. Perhaps Wyll is the norm and Will is strange. I'd be more weirded out to see Will actually, it's too close to home and breaks some of that fantasy immersion that I get. Agreed, I can understand the Shadowheart criticism to a degree, but the Wyll one is just silly
Joined: Sep 2017
There are several characters in Greyhawk called Will, William and willem indeed so no, Wyll is not the norm.
Anyway, you take things too seriously, guys, the entire thread is half-joking.
Last edited by _Vic_; 30/07/20 06:20 PM.
Joined: Jul 2020
Paw Patrol better be in the half-serious part then
Joined: Sep 2017
It is  You simply do not mess with Rocky and Zuma.
Last edited by _Vic_; 30/07/20 06:25 PM.
Joined: Sep 2017
Didn´t know the use of names with apostrofes was inflicted upon humanity for so long.
Gotta try the trick: apostrophes are to be pronounced “boing.” from now on. Therefore, it’s not pronounced Lae´zel, but rather “Lae-Boing!-zel.” in my head.
And TboingChalla Jboingon Jboingonz Kaelboingthas Oboingbrian.
Last edited by _Vic_; 30/07/20 08:59 PM.
Joined: Jun 2020
Names have power, especially True Names, so guard it with your soul lest you be enthralled for all time. True Name
Evil always finds a way.
Joined: Apr 2020
I actually really like Shadowheart's name, and character. She's the best origin character i've seen so far and the only one I have seen that I care to actually recruit in-game.
Joined: Sep 2017
Gal seems interesting and I really like the voice of the actress, she will be my first in the game too.
I understand the name could have its fans, but I still have to say that the name "Shadowheart" is too much for me, sorry about that. I´s a personal, visceral distaste of mine, like when someone´s typing in whatssap for 5 minutes and when it´s finished the message is "ok"
I´m only going to say that I hope that Shadowheart indeed is a made-up name, If not I expect to meet his siblings Lightliver, firelung, waterbladder, Airspleen and Earthstomach too. Or maybe she was an unwanted child and her brothers and sisters do not, so they have names you cannot use as the title of a book with a shirtless vampire guy in the cover. Time will tell.
At this point I just want to throw the name in a hole and use insane amounts of fire to kill it before it lays eggs.
Last edited by _Vic_; 31/07/20 07:20 PM.
Joined: Feb 2020
I actually really like Shadowheart's name, and character. She's the best origin character i've seen so far and the only one I have seen that I care to actually recruit in-game. Th characters looks good to me but I can't hear it's name... Hello, who are you ? I'm Drizzt Do'Urden from Menzoberranzan, and you ? My name is Shadowheart Firestorm from any random location, nice to meet you...
Last edited by Maximuuus; 31/07/20 09:42 PM.
Joined: Mar 2020
Hello, who are you ? I'm Drizzt DoBoingUrden from Menzoberranzan, and you ? My name is Shadowheart Firestorm from nowhere, nice to meet you...
By OP rules I fixed that for you
Joined: Sep 2017
Thanks @Wormerine, You have earned a boing point. BTW I was joking before but of course there´s a Shadowheart novel with a shirtless vampire guy in the cover. I´m not even surprised in the slightless. ![[Linked Image]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51IQvC7o0hL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg)
Last edited by _Vic_; 31/07/20 10:26 PM.
Joined: Jul 2020
Names are fine so far. Could some of those be better? Maybe. But I wouldn't delay the game because these names needs changed and will take 3 years to come up with something approved by everyone on the forum.
Now if we take each name we don't like and suggest another name, while explaining it why this could be better... that could be more useful. Unless voices are already recorded.
Joined: Mar 2020
Now if we take each name we don't like and suggest another name, while explaining it why this could be better... that could be more useful. Unless voices are already recorded. How could the audience come up with the appropriate name, if they don’t write the character?
Joined: Mar 2020
Thanks @Wormerine, You have earned a boing point. Appreciated. Also thank you for ruining StarTrek for me. I am currently watching DS9 and I can’t un-boing the ‘s in Bajoran names