Originally Posted by Riandor
I mean if this is the case, what are still hoping to do?
Just see the Story, because you could watch YouTube playthrough for that.

If you think a game is poor, surely the best thing to do is not buy it. You’ve consistently stated your dissatisfaction at the design of this game as is being presented to you, and that’s fine. I’m just curious why anyone would still pay for it?

Im still very much looking forward to it (not that I don’t have different personal reservations) and I guess we will hopefully both see more on the 18th.

Depends on the game.

I like Total War games for the campaign play, and have bought them all. I almost never play the actual RT battles because they are not interesting for me; I might play one or two in a campaign when getting a good outcome is particularly important.

That game gives you a way to auto-resolve every battle, at the cost of not getting as good an outcome. Of course you can also use negotiation and diplomacy, stealth and assassination etc to avoid the battles occuring in the first place.

Similarly, I like many RPGs, so long as there is enough in them to allow me to choose what to do and what not to do. BG1/2 were particularly combat heavy, which I'm less interested in, but their combat didn't really need much attention or time, so I was OK with that.

If BG3 allows one to choose a path through doing more interesting things than combat ( at least, most of the time - I'm not expecting every combat to be avoidable ), then the game otherwise looks very promising.

The fact that we air these views means that at least Larian get to hear them, and choose whether they want to react to them. If you have personal reservations for the game, perhaps you should also discuss them, rather than leave it to chance?