Originally Posted by Argyle
I don't think Plato ever comprehended the damage of the greataxe, but he did make associations of the elements with the Platonic Solids:

tetrahedron (d4) = fire (probably because it is so pointy)
cube (d6) = earth
octahedron (d8) = air
icosahedron (d20) = water

But that leaves out my favorite d12 dodecahedron ... for this one, Plato noticed it had special properties, and therefore he assigned it the stuff of the cosmos, from which stars and planets are made. Whoa. Cosmos! If Zaviak makes an appearance in BG III, I would love to hear his thoughts on this.

Ah, is that related to "The Fifth Element" - an extremely dubious Sci-Fi plot.
Or, perhaps related to "The Fifth Elephant" - a totally believable fantasy plot.