What I was questioning was the odd member here who are more actively against the design decisions and who will likely want to skip as much as possible if anything to do with the mechanics just to what, say the played it? Because it’s part of the BG franchise so sod they’ll suck it up? Again free to do as one chooses, just curious.
Yes I am very active here even though I don't like the game in its current form, and in my case the odds are more likely that in the end I will NOT play this game, because it is this specific game: BG3. There are many of us who have long wanted to play a new RPG that is D&D and/or Forgotten Realms and/or part of the old BG franchise (depending on which of these is the most important for that person). So unhappiness and disappointment and even anger are very reasonable and understandable emotions for some people to have. I don't have a single post in this forum ever criticizing the D:OS games, because I simply did not care about those games. But this game is different, and uniquely so, precisely because it carries the title BG3. The situation would also be very different if D&D/FR-based games were being constantly made right and left. Then, one game not being to one's liking would be no big deal. But WotC has been extremely stingy with giving out the license for D&D games to be made, so this game could literally be the ONLY D&D/FR RPG we get for the next twenty years.