Originally Posted by etonbears
No, kanisatha is not a troll. He has a strong resentment to the obvious changes from earlier BG games ( as was the case with FO3 for those that loved FO1/2 ), and is conflicted as to whether the game can be something he will enjoy; that does not make a person a troll.

The game will be different from BG1/2, and it will be different from D:OS1/2; but as you point out, we have not seen enough to know exactly how good or bad the experience will be. I'm leaning on the side of playing the game, but I will look for neutral review sources/streams of EA gameplay before deciding.

Thanks! How FO1&2 fans felt about FO3 is indeed a perfect example of how I feel.

In my many years of experience on the Internet, people make vile, unsubstantiated accusations against other people generally are trying to make up for being guilty of the very things they accuse others of. I couldn't care less about such people, and they surely aren't going to get me to stop posting or to leave.