You can freely express your opinions and resentment in a polite manner (or not) and to do that you do not need to use a despective way and name-calling others with expressions like "cheerleaders" "nerds" "bootlickers" "trolls" and stuff like that.
-Just saying-
Interesting that you had to add "trolls" to your list of insults 6 hours after your original post, after realising that your attempt to have a dig at me didn't actually relate to the preceeding posts.
For the avoidance of doubt, I do not ever intentionally *give* offense to people online. If you choose to *take* offense at anything I say you are free to query my intention, discuss use of, and understanding of, the English language ( slippery at the best of times ), or post emotional incoherent rants about me, which I shall, of course, ignore.
Snide comments, such as the above, really do not reflect well upon you.