Joined: Apr 2020
Hello Raze,
2. Mac OS - Catalina - Latest version. MacBook Pro 16gb Ram, I7. 3. Game runs smooth. 4. Game was bought through the Apple App Store: DOS EE: V. 2.0.119. 5. PS4 controller connected to the MacBook. All the controls work except 2: a) Map will not open on PS4 Controller, when center button is pressed on controller. b) When in the Equipment Menu, and you want to compare two items: Two Mage Staff for example. The command to execute the compare screen is mapped to R3 on the PS4 controller. When pressed it doesn't do anything. I have tried multiple PS4 controllers all have the same result: R3 Button does not toggle the compare menu. This is also true for when your trying to compare items at a merchants or other character. 6. Please tell me if there is a solution or patch incoming for this issue.
Thank you.
Joined: Mar 2003
The latest version of Catalina changed how controller input is being reported. This should be fixable from the GamePadDefinitions.plist file in the app container, which you can manually update. Open the Divinity Original Sin.app container in the install folder, rename the current GamePadDefinitions.plist file (under Resources; see here for the container structure) and copy this version there. This file has been updated for PS3 controllers, at least, but I'm not sure if PS4 controllers were updated yet. If this doesn't help, let me know and I'll check with the Mac programmers. IIRC the App Store version is installed directly in /Applications.
Joined: Apr 2020
Hello Raze,
1. I turned on my Mac this morning, and the controls for map and equipment are not working again for the PS4 controller. 2. I re-applied your file the same as yesterday, and for some reason it doesn't work. 3. Map & R3 are not being registered. 4. The same two issues from my previous posts apply:
5. PS4 controller connected to the MacBook. All the controls work except 2: a) Map will not open on PS4 Controller, when center button is pressed on controller. b) When in the Equipment Menu, and you want to compare two items: Two Mage Staff for example. The command to execute the compare screen is mapped to R3 on the PS4 controller. When pressed it doesn't do anything. I have tried multiple PS4 controllers all have the same result: R3 Button does not toggle the compare menu. This is also true for when your trying to compare items at a merchants or other character.
6. I have also reset my PS4 controller, re-installed the game, disconnected my PS4 controller form the MacBook and added it again. 7. Hope you have another quick fix like yesterday.
Joined: Mar 2003
I answered in the other topic
Joined: Jul 2020
Hello. First post for me here.
Just playing my first "honour mode" run i found and issue.
The thing is that i can't progress because i can't save. When i try, everything seems okey, even if I reload i can keep the progress. But, if i close the game i lost all the progress i made.
Can you help me?
Thank you.
Joined: Mar 2003
Are you shutting down all non-essential programs before starting the game, especially anti-virus and any backup programs that may be monitoring the Documents folder? A handful of people have reported that Comodo Cloud Antivirus created a sandbox for the game (in one case installed unnoticed as part of a browser download), so any changes to the My Documents folder were done to a separate folder, and after restarting the game, everything would be back to how it was before the previous session.
Check the save folder to see if there are any saves there, not showing up in-game. Each save is a folder in the '..\Documents\Larian Studios\Divinity Original Sin Enhanced Edition\PlayerProfiles\<ProfileName>\Savegames_patch' folder. You can try searching your hard drive for *.lsv files, if there is a chance a security program created a sandbox for the game (in the case of the program mentioned above, each new session was a different folder under the C:\CCAV folder).
If you start the game, switch to windowed display mode and switch to Windows Explorer, you can check the savegames folder before exiting the game, and optionally copy or zip the saves to another location. This may help in determining what is happening to the save, and you should at least be able to restore the save if it is removed.
Try exiting out of the Steam client, and starting the game directly from the '..\SteamApps\common\Divinity Original Sin Enhanced Edition\Shipping\EoCApp.exe' program file, by right clicking and running as administrator, or similarly for Galaxy and the GOG version install path.
Try doing a clean boot and then test the game. Click Start, or hit WinKey-R, type in msconfig and hit enter; in the General tab, click Selective Startup, uncheck Load startup items (if required) and leave Load system services and Use original boot configuration options checked. Next, click on the Services tab, check the box to Hide all Microsoft services, then click the Disable All button (maybe make a note of which are currently enabled/disabled), then click OK and reboot the computer. Run msconfig again to switch back to the normal boot configuration.
Try creating a new Windows administrator user account, switch to that account and try starting the game from there, directly from the executable to test.
Joined: Jul 2020
Didn't know what happened but it is working allright now  Thank you.
Joined: Aug 2020
First time happening to me on Closing the Rift mission the bloodstone HP is -1 and i cannot destroy it. I'm playing on PC steam latest version, verified files integrity, reloaded the game several times, loaded saves from before entering the ruins, tried choosing different route every time i reloaded save file. I have the "six man party" mod on but didn't had any problems with it thus far. Done most of the missions in Luculla Forest. The only missions i have left in Luculla Forest are initiation and infiltration mission and the Closing the rift mission.
Any chance it's fixable without starting the whole game over?
Thank you
Last edited by Apistofeles; 08/08/20 11:41 AM.
Joined: Mar 2003
Are you using a weapon with tenebrium damage?
If so, please email supportdos2@larian.com with your save there (or email / reply / PM a Dropbox or Google drive link, etc). Each save is a folder in the '..\Documents\Larian Studios\Divinity Original Sin Enhanced Edition\PlayerProfiles\<ProfileName>\Savegames_patch' folder. In Windows Explorer you can zip a file or folder by right clicking on it/them and selecting 'Send To | Compressed (zipped) Folder' (and similarly in OSX/Finder).
Joined: Aug 2020
Hey, awesome to see this thread is still getting looked at even so long after the game's release.
I've been crashing to desktop when entering the Black Cove. That is, consistently, always. The loading bar moves different distances inbetween but never more than ca. 55%.
Naturally, I've been doing my own research as much as I could. I've tried:
- closing nearly everything else before starting the game (i do not even have an antivirus installed) - Getting rid of old saves - turning off auto-saves - turning off cloud saves - Renaming the folder in documents, having it be recreated, and moving the saves there - Changing graphics settings, minimal settings, equalizing to native resolution and refresh rate, turning Vsync on/off, etc... - verifying files - starting the game as admin bypassing steam
Basically, the only things I have not tried are starting a new game and getting to Black Cove, loading old saves (i have backups), and game reinstalls. I have also played this game with a friend before, and we progressed through Black Cove no problem. As far as I remember I have made no hardware changes since then, and also no software changes besides maybe a windows update or two. (i do them manually only) From research i found that other people have had this problem with any post-saveload loading transition, like going through the end of time/heading to Silverglen. I had Wolgraff sneak his ass to Silverglen with a Pyramid, and I was able to load into it just fine. Going to the end of time and back works just fine aswell.
I am running on Windows 7 64 Bit. Since I saw this was a potential issue, I have RAM to spare. I've also played a lot more intensive games recently, that all run fine, or atleast don't crash. I can provide the crashdumps that get autogenerated if necessary (can I not attach files? do I need to dropbox it or something?)
Edit: While doing some more independent research I found out about some new game state problems? I started the game in a new profile if that matters.
Last edited by Cloymax; 14/08/20 06:14 PM. Reason: update
Joined: Mar 2003
Have you been to the Black Cove before in this playthrough?
Please email supportdos@larian.com with your save (or post/PM/email a Dropbox or Google drive link, etc).
Joined: Aug 2020
Joined: Mar 2003
It does indeed appear the level file for the Black Cove was carried over into your new game. Extracting the save in the EE pak extractor ( download), and deleting the cys_blackcove.lsf file from the level cache folder will allow the save to be loaded (the extracted folder will show up in-game), and the cave to be entered without crashing. I will describe how you can do this yourself, if you wish, or here is a link for a save where this was done (extract the zipped folder into your savegames_patch folder). After starting the ConverterApp.exe program, switch to the 'PAK / LSV Tools' tab, in the 'Extract Package' section, for the 'Package path' browse to the save's lsv file, then for the 'Destination path' browse to that or another profile's savegames_patch folder and enter a new folder for the extracted files (you can copy/paste the path from the path listed above and edit it; ie to be '..\savegames_patch\SaveName-extracted') and click the 'Extract Package' button. After renaming or deleting the cys_blackcove.lsf file from the levelcache folder, you can then just start the game and load the extracted save.
Joined: Aug 2020
Thank you so much, both the prepared save and the manual method worked just fine. For the manual approach, I did have to change the game version at the top which didn't match by default, I missed this the first time and it caused the save to not show up in game.
Am I to expect this to potentially occur with future dungeon-type loading transitions aswell? If they occured would I simply have to do the same thing, just with cys_blackcove.lsf adjusted to be whatever the dungeon name is?
Again, thanks a lot. The quick response and capable help are very commendable.
Joined: Mar 2003
Strange; it didn't make a difference when I tried (checking the 'latest' download link to see if there was an update, though, it is at 1.14.0, while the version I have is 1.14.1). If that wasn't something fixed in the .1 update, maybe after the first time you manually set it to the correct file type for a profile it will remember that for the next time regardless of the setting. Or there was a glitch the first time that caused the extracted save not to show up.
It shouldn't affect any other new regions in this playthrough, since there were no other level files in the save earlier than they should be.
It could theoretically affect future playthroughs, though in general it is fairly rare. Quitting the game and deleting the files in the '..\Documents\Larian Studios\Divinity Original Sin Enhanced Edition\LevelCache' folder before starting a new game should make sure it doesn't happen again.
Joined: Aug 2020
Hi everyone !
I play with my girlfriend on Xbox one and we have encountered a strange bug. I have been trying to craft randomly the scroll of mass healing to turn it into a skill book but no matter how many scrolls I craft the spell doesn't come up. Even stranger, two fire avatars were crated among my others hydrosophist scrolls whereas they shouldn't have appeared by using the recipe. Has anyone encountered the same difficulties ?
Thanks in advance !
Last edited by Jistal; 15/08/20 04:13 PM. Reason: forgotten words
Joined: Mar 2003
There is no Mass Healing scroll in the game, so it can not be crafted. The swapped fire/ice avatar scrolls are a known issue.
Joined: Aug 2020
What a shame ! Yes, I noticed the same swapping issue when crafting fire scrolls as well. I guess we'll just have to buy the the skill book at the End of Time. Thanks for sparing us time in a useless hunt for the scroll Raze ! 😉
Have a good day ! 🙂
Joined: Aug 2020
Hello, I can't seem to find this issue (or I'm having trouble describing it but the subsections on character, log, and vender screens have all shifted to the right. Save and reload used to resolve it but a recent patch has made it permanent.
I am on xbox one. Does anyone know if there is a fix otw?
Joined: Mar 2003
This issue is currently being investigated (it affects the sections in the trade menu, as well).