Originally Posted by Vlad the Impaler
The thing is, IF the ai is going to mess things up it is going to mess up in exactly the same ways regardless of whether it is messing up in a TB mode or in a RTwP mode. If the ai is going to mess up the ai is going to mess up. Whether the ai is messing up in TB mode or RTwP mode is irrelevant. In both cases the player can still fix whatever the ai does or doesn't do. The only real difference between the two modes is WHEN the player can respond to what the ai is doing.

What? There is no AI in TB, since you, the player, control every single action each and every character makes.

Originally Posted by Vlad the Impaler
That really all depends upon what a game is trying to simulate. There is a HUGE difference between trying to simulate RT combat of dozens or hundreds of units from the perspective of a platoon, company, battalion, brigade, division, corps, army, squadron, task force, or fleet commander versus trying to simulate what 1-6 individual persons are doing. You are making apples to oranges, apples to walnuts, and apples to peanuts comparisons.

Yes, trying to manage hundreds in real time vs trying to manage six in real time is different. But it's not an apples to peanuts comparison; more like a big apple to little apple comparison.