[quote=Kuruz]Hi there and good evening.
A couple of months ago I opened a thread ( http://forums.larian.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Main=86668&Number=668152#Post668152 ) about my native language (italian) and Raze confirmed that it is going to be in the game, but right now from steam page italian language is "not available" after the newest update, can we have a definitive answer about this matter?
I think italian community would like to know if BG3 will be translated in italian or not.

Thanks for your tread, i'm italian and i hope that soon we'll can enjoy the complete translation of BG3 , the epic atmospheres of those games require specific terminology that prevents me from enjoying this. For this reason i think that i'll buy BG3 when the italian lanugage it'll be availible, unfortunatly...

Last edited by Cabal2989; 20/08/20 06:59 PM. Reason: Error