Originally Posted by Raze
Originally Posted by Malabolgia
Do you know how this is called? False advertising

It is a normal part of the development process that things are changed or cut, and this can unfortunately include localisations and sometimes even entire ports. Projects can also be cancelled outright, etc.

Originally Posted by Malabolgia
And it would be interesting to know how many preorders you have received thanks to this false advertisement.

Zero. There are no preorders. The Steam page was updated to correct the list of supported languages more than a month before Early Access will be available.

Originally Posted by Trynd
Not only you received italian translations from a great and passionate team of translators for DOS 1 and 2 for FREE, increasing your profit in our market at the cost of 0 penny from your part.

Time and resources were still put into officially adding the translations (legal, local QA, updates and fixes, general QA with updates on all platforms, etc).
I do not have the regional sales numbers, and do not know if there was a significant increase in sales due to the localisations or how the increase in sales compares to the cost of doing a full professional localisation. If it was as beneficial as you assume for D:OS, wouldn't that make an Italian localisation more likely for BG3 after release?

Originally Posted by Trynd
Not only you have confirmed that italian language would have been in BG3 from the beginning (not talking about EA, but the final product).
But now you realized that there is too much work to be done and you basically thrown our language (and your word) in the toilet.

Have you not followed the development of any other games / creative projects? It it not unusual that plans in place when a project is first announced are changed, to various degrees, more than a year later (BG3 didn't even have a save system with the first gameplay reveal, which was some time after the announcement).

Originally Posted by Squesing
It is so unfair that you rely on the free contribute of the italian translator's community for a future localization

Nobody is expected or required to translate the game into any other language.
When considering the initial localisations, we tried to cover as many as was feasible to do, with the largest potential demand.

Originally Posted by Rafiki1991
It is unlikely that it will have a good diffusion in Italy, which is not a small market.

I'm sure that will be looked at after release, when other localisations are reconsidered.

Your cold, false and arrogant answer bring your company's reputation even more shame. I really hope your game will sell ZERO in Italy, and I will make my best to make this dream come true.