Hi Larian Team, i follow your games since Divine Divinity so i can talk about what follows with cognition. Every time, and i mean EVERY TIME, you have choosen deliberately to ignore italian language, waiting for fans to do YOUR work and then using theyr translation. THIS time there was a promise about italian localization, a promise and not a simple misunderstanding. You're not a small and newfounded studio anymore. Just for a clarification italian (after english of course) is the first language in the world for the sales of D&D manuals. This is simple something utterly discriminatory and offensive against italian's D&d fandom and italian people in general. And that's not only my point of view ! A precisation: i don't need to use google translator, luckily for me i can understand english quite well, as i can understand when a company deliberately doesnt' respect a nation. The first 2 Baldur's gate were TOTALLY localizzated in italian language, written and spoken, and it was one of the best dubbing ever made, also. In conclusion, i really hope that you'll change your mind as soon as possible, because this habit of yours is simly discriminatory (just for use an euphemism) and it has to be stopped right here, right now.