Originally Posted by Raze

Originally Posted by Squesing
Your cold, false and arrogant answer bring your company's reputation even more shame.

Nothing I wrote was false or arrogant. As for cold: I checked on the situation, reported back and tried to explain the situation and the development process. If that is unacceptable, I fail to see how getting emotional would help.

Originally Posted by Squesing
I really hope your game will sell ZERO in Italy, and I will make my best to make this dream come true.

If you were to be slightly more "cold" you might consider if that would make an Italian localisation more or less likely after release.

It is false that you dont rely on the free work of italian translators community, it seems so clear looking at past experiences.

And I actually don't care if selling zero would give us less chanche to see the title localized in Italian. I don't want to play (again) a game localized in italian FOR FREE just because you won't spend some thousand euros that would be FOR SURE covered by the increased sells. By now is more important that your company lose as many profit as possible, even if it means I will never play this game, that I was waiting for so many time but, hey, ethic is more important than fun.

I wish many unpayed jobs in your future

Last edited by Squesing; 21/08/20 12:24 PM.