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Originally Posted by Tuco
Originally Posted by Squesing

It seems you know italian players like a fisherman knows nuclear energy.

A whole community is outraged, and not only for the missing localization itself or for the false promises, but also for the implicit exploitation of workers and the discrimination of the community.

trust me, YOU are embarassing yourself by this ridicolous try to be a unrequested attorney.

I *am* an italian player who's been into RPGs for the biggest part of his 42 years of life so far.
And yes, I know what I'm talking about, this "A WHOLE COMMUNITY IS OUTRAGED" is comparable to the "There are DOZENS of us!" meme, it's a "whole community" made by a laughably low number of players compared to any other market in Europe.
Even Poland alone outsizes us by a *wide* margin in terms of RPG enthusiasts.

And about the "exploitation of workers" here's my advice: don't translate shit for free. No one is asking you to, anyway.
Also, NO, just because I state few cold hard facts I'm not "embarrassing myself" more than a guy who's spitting rabid insults targeted at the developers as if he was literally entitled to anything from their part.

Do you really think that the amount of pissed off people is just restricted to the few that are writing here? OH LOL, you are very naive for your 42 years old! And by the way we can be a small community, but it is strange to say when italian is the second language for D&D manuals and the 4th market for videogames in general. Something seems not true in your statements....

No one is asking the free translation, but LARIAN KNOWS that someone will do it. This is deeply unethical, but I don't expect you old biased fanboy can understand this.

Last edited by Squesing; 21/08/20 11:54 AM.
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Originally Posted by Raze
There are multiple reasons plans can change or content be cut, including business reasons, technical limitations, lack of time or resources if earlier development takes longer than expected, balancing reasons, features not working as expected, changes to game design, etc.

Man you don't need to try to convince me of things I already know, being one of the group that translated into Italian D:OS2.
The only reason why D:OS2 has been translated into Italian (using an already advanced and almost finished amateur work) is because your publisher strongly wanted it for the final version. Otherwise, without their pressure our language would never have existed in a offical way.

Larian's policy towards the Italian language is clear (see previous games) and is the same as that of Paradox. Personally I respect more a company that openly declares that its games will never be localized in a certain language, rather than one that gives false hopes to eventually receive money from pre-orders, which fortunately has not been activated.
Another thing, it is better to communicate with those who deal with the stores because on GOG the Italian language still appears.

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I am an Italian player who has not been in RPGs for most of his 35 years of life, because I also like women, but I am sure that “absolutely yes" does not mean "plans may change".
By me it means that you are sure of what you are saying, otherwise you are simply an idiot trying to make a good impression without being sincere.

I agree that Liaran is not required to satisfy the need of a market and I am sorry that someone is unable to assert their opinion without lapsing into insults.

But you will agree with me that, in 2020, if we want to consider the video game an artistic work of entertainment enjoyable by all, like cinema for example, we are talking about a company that does not know how to do its job well.
I'm probably wrong, but from my personal point of view I see it as if Lord of the Rings was only dubbed up to the second movie, and on the third they said "sorry, it's not in the plans anymore".
Wouldn't that have sounded just as stupid?

Anyway, I wish you the best and I hope that the Tiger team will still do the work for you for free, because I will give my money to them and I will download the game without going through Steam, so Liaran will have worked for me for free and we will all be happy .


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It's possible to open a kickstarter page to help you with translation costs?

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Originally Posted by Raze

Dear Raze, I know well that you at Larian think well about profit and cannot risk getting lost in making localizations in countries that you do not consider convenient, but I would like to underline two things:

1. BG is an intellectual property of WoC that for example in Italy has had fans for 22 years, in addition to the fact that it is set in the forgotten realms of D&D, which has always been translated into Italian and is actually in second place in the world (after English) as manual sales;

2. your CEO put his face to say that the Italian language was in the game and this in my opinion is the worst thing! Because it is a nice and good joke!

I think you played it badly...because many Italians who wanted to buy it will certainly think about it before giving you the money, seeing how you treated us...

however I want to give you a simple example of an excellent software house: CD Project, they have always considered Italian, they are real gentlemen!

Last edited by Elledain; 21/08/20 12:06 PM.
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Originally Posted by Elledain

however I want to give you a simple example of an excellent software house: CD Project, they have always considered Italian, they are real gentlemen!

I was on the fence about buying BG3 EA or Cyberpunk 2077, now I know for sure what to do.

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dear larian studio, you know everything about our italian comunity. we are very angry about your decision. aniway, let s talk about a buisness. you want our money and we want italian localization for bg3, try to look one of the most famous game in the world, the elder scroll skyrim. bethesda translate in many language and they keep a lot of money. you have in you hand one of the best game in the world. what s happen if you translate the game in many language? you can sell this game 2x or 3x time then the normal. many person wait this game to looooooong time. please larian studio. give us the our dream. you are the only one can make this game the best baldur s gate ever.

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Originally Posted by Elledain

however I want to give you a simple example of an excellent software house: CD Project, they have always considered Italian, they are real gentlemen!

I was on the fence about buying BG3 EA or Cyberpunk 2077, now I know for sure what to do.

tradotto non solo nei testi e con un doppiaggio stellato (es luca ward) altro che larian

Last edited by pbrosio; 21/08/20 12:16 PM.
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As an Italian player I just wanted to say that I'm very outraged by your decision to avoid Italian localization from the game. The Italian videogames market is one of the biggest in Europe and still you avoided the localization for DOS1 and DOS2, both localizated by an amazing community which made it for free and you earned a LOT of money by their work in our country.
Now again? No way. Don't buy the game guys and above all stop translating their titles for free.
If they wanna sell in Italy (and they did it a lot with the past two DOS) they must invest in Italy.
Have a nice day everybody.

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Originally Posted by Raze
Originally Posted by Malabolgia
Do you know how this is called? False advertising

It is a normal part of the development process that things are changed or cut, and this can unfortunately include localisations and sometimes even entire ports. Projects can also be cancelled outright, etc.

False advertising:

"A false claim about the characteristics of the goods or service"

Fits pretty well, don't you think?

Originally Posted by Raze

Originally Posted by Malabolgia
And it would be interesting to know how many preorders you have received thanks to this false advertisement.

Zero. There are no preorders. The Steam page was updated to correct the list of supported languages more than a month before Early Access will be available.

Glad to hear that.

Anyway, as I own, apart from BG/BG2/BG2EE, plenty of Forgotten Realms books (and yes, they are in Italian), I just wrote to Wizards of the Coast just to know if they still care about the Italian community and what they think about your line of conduct. Not only your image has been damaged, but their image as well, so my hope is that next time they will consider more carefully who to give their license to.

In the meantime, don't worry too much about putting Italian among the localizations present after the release. I will continue to play BG2, waiting for BG4, hoping the license will be given to a serious SH.

Last edited by Malabolgia; 21/08/20 12:36 PM.

We must not promise what we ought not, lest we be called on to perform what we cannot.
Abraham Lincoln, 1856.

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Originally Posted by Squesing

Do you really think that the amount of pissed off people is just restricted to the few that are writing here? OH LOL, you are very naive for your 42 years old! And by the way we can be a small community, but it is strange to say when italian is the second language for D&D manuals and the 4th market for videogames in general. Something seems not true in your statements....

Exactly, he clearly has no clue of what he's talking about and/or he's very biased. No comment.

Last edited by Gigguuu; 21/08/20 12:30 PM.
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Originally Posted by Malabolgia

Anyway, as I own, apart from BG/BG2/BG2EE, plenty of Forgotten Realms books (and yes, they are in Italian)...

Right, what a shame. Every BG game was translated in Italian. What a shame!

Last edited by Gigguuu; 21/08/20 12:34 PM.
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Originally Posted by Squesing

No one is asking the free translation, but LARIAN KNOWS that someone will do it. This is deeply unethical

I invite every Italian fan not to do that. If you do a work, you must be payed for that. Don't work for free, don't let them exploit your passion.

Last edited by Gigguuu; 21/08/20 12:36 PM.
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Originally Posted by Squesing

Do you really think that the amount of pissed off people is just restricted to the few that are writing here? OH LOL, you are very naive for your 42 years old! And by the way we can be a small community, but it is strange to say when italian is the second language for D&D manuals and the 4th market for videogames in general.

A questo punto è una specie di battaglia contro l'autismo.
Tu purtroppo non hai idea di cosa stai parlando, tiri fuori numeri inventati dal culo e pretendi di insegnare agli altri.
E con te l'altro pollo che ti viene appresso.

L'italia è il quarto mercato per videogiochi in EUROPA, non in generale. E questo perché ce ne sono quattro in tutto. Quindi è l'ultimo.
Quando poi si parla di utenza del genere RPG, in particolare, la Polonia si aggiunge alla lista dei mercati che ci surclassano per vendite.

Last edited by Tuco; 21/08/20 12:44 PM.

Party control in Baldur's Gate 3 is a complete mess that begs to be addressed. SAY NO TO THE TOILET CHAIN
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I don't want to question your business decision but Ot's clear you are not showing respect to italians fans which have been supporting your company since many years

Last edited by griso; 21/08/20 01:22 PM.
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Originally Posted by Tuco
Originally Posted by Squesing

Do you really think that the amount of pissed off people is just restricted to the few that are writing here? OH LOL, you are very naive for your 42 years old! And by the way we can be a small community, but it is strange to say when italian is the second language for D&D manuals and the 4th market for videogames in general.

A questo punto è una specie di battaglia contro l'autismo.
Tu purtroppo non hai idea di cosa stai parlando, tiri fuori numeri inventati dal culo e pretendi di insegnare agli altri.

E con te l'altro pollo che ti viene appresso.

Tu o sei pagato da Larian oppure non sei italiano. In entrambi i casi sei totalmente irrispettoso nei confronti della community italiana. Complimenti!

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Location: Italy
Originally Posted by Gigguuu

Tu o sei pagato da Larian oppure non sei italiano. In entrambi i casi sei totalmente irrispettoso nei confronti della community italiana. Complimenti!

Ah, giusto, ho imparato a tempo di record l'italiano (che in tutta franchezza parlo anche meglio di te) giusto per la soddisfazione di farti uno sgarro sul forum di uno studio di medio calibro.

Mi risparmio la spiegazione su quanto sia difficile provare una qualsiasi dose di "rispetto" per gente che si comporta nel modo puerile possibile. Piangendo, pestando i piedi, insultando e minacciando uno studio di sviluppo solo perché non può permettersi di assecondare i loro capricci.

Come Raze vi ha spiegato chiaramente (ma a voi le spiegazioni razionali non vanno a genio, favorendo invece ridicole teorie del complotto) se ci fosse una qualsiasi indicazione del fatto che l'utenza italiana fosse un numero degno di nota non esisterebbe nemmeno questa discussione, perché l'adattamento sarebbe approvato in automatico.

Last edited by Tuco; 21/08/20 01:01 PM.

Party control in Baldur's Gate 3 is a complete mess that begs to be addressed. SAY NO TO THE TOILET CHAIN
Joined: Aug 2020
Joined: Aug 2020
Originally Posted by Tuco
Originally Posted by Squesing

Do you really think that the amount of pissed off people is just restricted to the few that are writing here? OH LOL, you are very naive for your 42 years old! And by the way we can be a small community, but it is strange to say when italian is the second language for D&D manuals and the 4th market for videogames in general.

A questo punto è una specie di battaglia contro l'autismo.
Tu purtroppo non hai idea di cosa stai parlando, tiri fuori numeri inventati dal culo e pretendi di insegnare agli altri.
E con te l'altro pollo che ti viene appresso.

L'italia è il quarto mercato per videogiochi in EUROPA, non in generale. E questo perché ce ne sono quattro in tutto. Quindi è l'ultimo.
Quando poi si parla di utenza del genere RPG, in particolare, la Polonia si aggiunge alla lista dei mercati che ci surclassano per vendite.

Io i numeri non li so, ma conosco molte persone che sono legate in un modo o nell'altro al mondo di D&D, quindi dubito che siamo così pochi. Ma non è questo il punto, potremmo essere anche solo in 5 a volere il gioco localizzato, ma non te ne puoi uscire su everyeye con un'intervista dove confermi la localizzazione e poi rimangiarti la parola. Questa si chiama presa per culo, o se la vuoi mettere in termini più educati: mancanza di rispetto. Verso tutta una community. Absolutely yes.

Last edited by Malabolgia; 21/08/20 12:47 PM.

We must not promise what we ought not, lest we be called on to perform what we cannot.
Abraham Lincoln, 1856.

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Who will pay for a work that can be obtained for free? Larian care only about money, nothing about the players. We have to write to the Wizard of the Coast (and I'm doing it now), becouse this glorius brand deserves a software house that can exalt it. Larian can't do it.

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Originally Posted by Gigguuu

Tu o sei pagato da Larian oppure non sei italiano.

Mi sbagliavo, in realtà sei solo un arrogante testa di cazzo.

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