Originally Posted by Squesing
I wish many unpayed jobs in your future

I did quite a bit of free beta testing in the past, and have had my creative work included in the commercial release of a software product without additional compensation. That did not entitle me to anything beyond the terms of the beta tests, and when products/companies were sold to other companies, they were not under any obligation to continue those test groups or the original company to provide additional compensation. I chose to do what I did and knew what the terms were.
I was also part of the group that made the Beyond Divinity Strategy Guide, also an unpaid fan project, which was eventually added to GOG's extra downloads for the game.
If and when I retire, I will likely still hang around the Larian forum helping other players without pay, like I did for a decade before Larian hired me.

Originally Posted by RedHex23
I am sure that “absolutely yes" does not mean "plans may change".

Plans can always change, even if you are confident they can be done when they are made, especially when there is quite a bit of time before the plans will be implemented.

Originally Posted by MadonnaPuttana
It's possible to open a kickstarter page to help you with translation costs?

Unfortunately, it isn't primarily an issue of cost.

Originally Posted by Malabolgia
False advertising:

"A false claim about the characteristics of the goods or service"

Fits pretty well, don't you think?

Only if you ignore the concept of linear time. Changing a plan does not make the past statement deliberately misleading.
Have you never had to change any plans?