hi, sorry for my bad english

I just wanted to express my disappointment for the lack of localization in Italian ...
I find it really disappointing that you take your word back, have they discovered now that there are so many words and dialogues? seriously ?

the doubt that you want to get another free amateur translation is very strong, and also legitimate, given the previous ones ...
disrespect for the fans who created the translation, not paid, not thanked, the translation never updated (you left the job to them, shameful)
I would have bought the title immediately, with pre-order
now I will wait for it to cost just under € 10, I cannot and do not want to spend more for a title that I would not fully enjoy
if you want a market to grow, you have to invest in it

naturally I dissociate myself from the various disrespect and insults that surely there have been, remember that we are all distinct individuals, some less sentient than others