Care to address any actual points, or just throw insults?
Originally Posted by Squesing
It really seems that you don't care at all of the entire italian community.
I am certainly sympathetic to your situation (I've had things I was looking forward be cancelled or altered, etc), but that doesn't change the circumstances.
Originally Posted by Squesing
perfectly fits the disonesty of the exploiting the workers giving the RIDICOLOUS explanation "I was exploited in the past, I knew the rules and I submit to them"..
I was not exploited. I did stuff as a hobby that I enjoyed doing, where everyone involved was entirely upfront. The people who worked on the D:OS 2 localisation were autonomous, rational individuals, capable of deciding whether to help with the project and how much time they were willing to invest. The fact that a future game will not have an official Italian localisation at release does not mean that the people that worked on the D:OS 2 project were retroactively exploited. They did not work on the project with a promise of guaranteed localisations in the future, and never brought up such conditions when dealing with the legalities of the official release.
Originally Posted by Squesing
P.s. when you change a plan involving thousands of potential customers that was given a promise, don't you think that sounds VERY SHITTY that those people has to discover your decision just for a random question in a forum?
Yes, there you have an entirely valid point (though the Steam page was also updated).
Originally Posted by Trynd
Point is, these "plans" cant really change in a couple of days, a couple of months ago you were asked if italian would have been "planned" to be added for the final release, and you were positive about this matter.
That was my mistake based on the old interview and the same mistake being made adding Italian to the GOG store page. Unfortunately I didn't double check that, and the people who knew it was added by mistake did not mention it directly to me or in any of the company chat channels that I follow (I work remotely, not in one of the offices), and didn't catch it in the forum.
Originally Posted by Trynd
How unfortunate, why not announcing it earlier then, I am sure you and/or who is working for this game were already aware of that weeks before this announcement of "change of plans", and we know that only because a kind soul opened a thread here in your forum asking this question, otherwise we would have never known of this change of plans right now, because not a single word came from your mouth.
The people working on the localisations did indeed know about this months ago. Unfortunately, when the decision was made about how many localisations could be done and which ones, the interview confirming Italian the better part of a year earlier wasn't on anyone's mind. Many things were changed or revised since the initial game announcement (many were not announced, some mentioned and described as a work in progress); it is hard to go through continuous evolution and change, then when something changes you may have once been confident of, think back if it was ever confirmed publicly (in any of very many interviews).
With the mistake on the BG3 store pages, it certainly would have been better to fix it as soon as it was noticed, rather than wait for the next page update (regardless of the somewhat convoluted process involved).