Originally Posted by Raze
Originally Posted by Squesing
You get worse and worse every answer you give.

Care to address any actual points, or just throw insults?

Originally Posted by Squesing
It really seems that you don't care at all of the entire italian community.

I am certainly sympathetic to your situation (I've had things I was looking forward be cancelled or altered, etc), but that doesn't change the circumstances.

Originally Posted by Squesing
perfectly fits the disonesty of the exploiting the workers giving the RIDICOLOUS explanation "I was exploited in the past, I knew the rules and I submit to them"..

I was not exploited. I did stuff as a hobby that I enjoyed doing, where everyone involved was entirely upfront.
The people who worked on the D:OS 2 localisation were autonomous, rational individuals, capable of deciding whether to help with the project and how much time they were willing to invest. The fact that a future game will not have an official Italian localisation at release does not mean that the people that worked on the D:OS 2 project were retroactively exploited. They did not work on the project with a promise of guaranteed localisations in the future, and never brought up such conditions when dealing with the legalities of the official release.

Originally Posted by Squesing
P.s. when you change a plan involving thousands of potential customers that was given a promise, don't you think that sounds VERY SHITTY that those people has to discover your decision just for a random question in a forum?

Yes, there you have an entirely valid point (though the Steam page was also updated).

First of all, if you consider "getting worse" an insult, maybe you are not suited for working with people (maybe now we are getting close to an insult, but looking at facts we are still making reasonable assumptions). And no, your are not simpathetic at all. Seen from outside you look almost like a troll. Not even an apology came from your keyboard. This is shitty public relation put over a company misconduct. Very, very disappointing and enraging attitude.

Second, beta testing is not translating. It is perfectly normal to beta test a game for free. It is not normal to translate thousands of sentencies for free. It was an unique effort and act of love that you should apreciate and valorize (no, NOT MONETIZE, VALORIZE!!) and instead you made pefectly clear that you don't care at all about italian community and the big effort made just for the purpose to make your game playable by all. Your words about this situation sounds somehow like the exploiter's words when he says "well, my almost slave workers knew that they had to work 12 hours for 1 dollar a day, they prefer to accept it instead of have nothing, SO WHAT ARE YOU COMPLAINING?". It is not exatly the same, but the mentality is there.

It is so shameful and exploiting that your "market analisys" clearly rely on the free work of italian translators, and that is exploiting mentality for sure. This shit, and the unfulfilled promises, and the tone of your answers too, is literally destroying your perceived image to italian customers. I wonder how this choice could be good in any perspective.

I don't even know if I still hope you reconsider your decision or not. Sorry but I have to repeat "the insult": you are getting worse and worse every time you put a finger on the keyboard.

Last edited by Squesing; 22/08/20 09:55 AM.