It became "false advertising" in a way actually, if you consider Steam and GOG platforms reported Italian language being supported (even if they putted it on by mistake) and so it's deeply unethical. People bought new machines to handle their game (yeah yeah, nobody forced them to do so) but mostly important it's about trustiness which, togheter with the lack of communication regarding this issue (not a single post everywhere? are you kidding? if you change plans about a project you have to make it know to everyone about your decisions) got lost. A corporation if wants to still stand and keep its business going on must rely on its image, if you loose it you will start to loose profits in the long run.
non sarà il nostro mercato a fargli fare delle perdite,il concetto è un'altro,hanno fatto le dichiarazione,non le hanno mantenute stop.
il perchè lo si capisce bene,non ci guadagnano.
Potevano dirlo subito? si , perchè non lo hanno fatto?
se fossero stati onesti da subito,qualcuno si sarebbe lamentato ma tutto sto casino non sarebbe nato.