Originally Posted by vometia
Originally Posted by Tuco
Originally Posted by Lotrotk

To all moderators: I don't know how this guy can not be banned after using authism as an insult, publicly. Maybe because he's trolling us taking your defences? I don't want to think that, I just want to think that you didnt understand what he said in italian. Well, use google translation and please ban this discriminator.

Do you ACTUALLY think you're in a comfortable position to summon "the moderation" with the sort of petty insulting you have targeted to the dev team, the community representative and the other users of this forum across this entire thread?
You have nine posts here and arguably there isn't one that shouldn't deserve same disciplinary action.

I am going to insist you stop using "autistic" as an insult, however. It speaks rather poorly of you.

And as a general note, please be polite, everybody. I know this is a contentious topic but there's no need to be uncivil.

How many times should he use authism like an insult to be banned? 10? 100? Your moderation seems to be the nothingness itself. He used authism multiple times and he never apologize. That should be enough for every non biased moderator.