Originally Posted by Raze

I was not exploited. I did stuff as a hobby that I enjoyed doing, where everyone involved was entirely upfront.
The people who worked on the D:OS 2 localisation were autonomous, rational individuals, capable of deciding whether to help with the project and how much time they were willing to invest. The fact that a future game will not have an official Italian localisation at release does not mean that the people that worked on the D:OS 2 project were retroactively exploited. They did not work on the project with a promise of guaranteed localisations in the future, and never brought up such conditions when dealing with the legalities of the official release.

Dear Raze,
I'm Chantalion and with two different teams (Sciarada team and T.i.g.e.r team) I have translated into Italian D: OS, D: OS enhanced, D: OS2.
We signed contracts that did not include financial demands and promises on future localizations and we never made any claims of any kind. Maybe we asked for support in an initiative in favor of scientific research ... but well, maybe there were difficulties of some kind. However, I thought that our passion, our seriousness and our perseverance (and also the value of the work made available to software house) could induce the friends of the Larian team to consider italian more in future releases (see BG3).
I imagined Swen: << Damn, BG3 we make it also in Italian! These guys deserve it! Come on, let's insert the Italian in the package of the first 6-7 localizations. >>
I made a wrong assessment and I apologize.
I thank the Larians for the wonderful games produced over the years. I spent hours and hours exploring every nook and cranny and engaging in death-defying challenges. Precisely because of the magic and involvement that the world of Divinity can express, I thought it would be nice if all my Italian friends (English-speaking and otherwise) could fully enjoy BG3 too.
I take this opportunity to thank those who have spent words of appreciation for us and I also serenely accept the criticisms that have been raised in recent years. For better or for worse, we have always given our best.