So you are basically saying that any insult is the same and must be managed the same way... interesting indeed.
It would be quite amusing to see your logic applied to real life.
This is my last message here, it is pretty obvious noone at Larian care a damn thing about us.
What's funny is that when I got the news about the cancellation of the Italian localization, I wasn't even that mad. I perfectly understand english and I thought to myself "Come on, they are a professional company, I will go take a look to their forum and socials and they surely will have some apology for the broken promise".
Instead I found nothing else that hubris and zero empathy towards us customers.
Congratulations, you achieved the big goal to make a fan who was going to pre-order BG3 and has bought both DOS and DOS2 to NEVER EVER buy a Larian game again.
Best of luck to you all, with such an awesome customer service I foresee a bright future for your company.