considerating also the refuse by the community manager to take actions against Tuco that was trolling
If that was the ban line, many other people would have been banned, as well.
Originally Posted by Squesing
Quite a shameful image Liaran is offering to the public.
I assume you are advocating for censorship only against people you disagree with? Have you consider that in a forum where posts are moderated for content, everyone venting about their anger / disappointment on this subject could easily be banned? Offence and trolling are very subjective, and at the best of times would be applied unequally.
That was not a matter of "anger". It is a matter of racism and discrimination and insulting autism that you are justifing. It is so disgraceful for you to assume that position, I almost have pity of you.
I am advocating for censorship of discrimination against autism. This is a serious issue and i talk in private with the moderator who said that he/she agree with me and would have take actions, but the community manager refuse because they errs on the free speech side.
Free speech for discriminating autism? ARE YOU FU**ING SERIOUS?
If you don't recognize the values of civilization, like "don't insult or discriminate minorities and other "weak" categories", maybe you would like to know that you are going against your own rules. A small cut & paste follows.
Rules of Conduct on these Message Boards --
You agree not to do any of the following while on our message boards:
Transmit any message, information, data, text, software or graphic files, or other materials ("Content") that is unlawful (including illegal drug usage), harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, hateful or racially, ethnically, sexually or otherwise objectionable.
For three times he wrote discriminating, abusive, harassing, hateful messages about autism and autistic people. He went on even after the thread was temporary locked with a warn. He even write me in private messages saying that I have to shame myself... ME!!!!
And I actually wonder how can you be a moderator, because your word in this situation sounds like an alt right troll's word in a political flame. You, and the entire management of this forum, are astonishingly not correct in so many ways that you really should be ashamed of youselves. Your answer is simply not human, stupid and not receivable. Shame on you.