Originally Posted by Raze
Originally Posted by Squesing
And no, since the discrimination was public and also Raze's answer was public, I don't understand why this issue has to be solved in private. And most of all I have already discussed in private and I want to go public with the unreceivable answers i got.

I hope that you means that you want to keep my replies public? Posting things from private conversations said in confidence is not acceptable, and is far more serious than juvenile insults.

And the reply to your previous post on the last page of this topic:

Originally Posted by Squesing
It is a matter of racism and discrimination and insulting autism that you are justifing.

I didn't try to justify anything anyone else said.

Originally Posted by Squesing
Free speech for discriminating autism?

If you do not support free speech you disagree with, you do not support free speech.
Also, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, But words will never hurt me".

Originally Posted by Squesing
He even write me in private messages...

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Originally Posted by Squesing
Your answer is simply not human, stupid and not receivable. Shame on you.

That is rather insulting and abusive for someone just finishing quoting the rules of conduct.

Obviously I meant that I wanted to keep public the discussion with you. I mentioned the general content of my private conversation with a mod, without saying who was specifically, just to get the idea that I had already try to solve the problem in private.

Maybe you ignore that "free speech" is not total. There are a lot of kind of speech that general ethic, and laws in many countries, stigmatize and/or forbid. Racism and discrimination are some of those things. You are saying nonsense just to provoke me, because YOUR OWN RULES says that.

Have you ever heard about Popper's paradox of the tolerance, anyway?

And if I am insulting you (I am actually insulting and annihilating the irriceivable words and discrimination apologetic concepts you are expressing) it is just because you are poorly accomplishing to your jobs, here. And I am talking about the job to be human, before being a moderator. You fail in both, anyway.