Originally Posted by Dark_Ansem
Originally Posted by Squesing
Originally Posted by The Composer

Wow, you are so meaningful. I guess you are right now that you waste a comment to sob here.

And I was the offtopic one eh?


Ok to be honest, you aren't being fair to Raze. I don't know if he is an alt-right wannabe fascist or not, but I'd say no.

And I also think your accusations of discrimination aren't that solid: it's not like they have something against italians or italian language. They just didn't care enough.

Sorry but i guess you lost many points of the conversation. The discrimination I am discussing is not against italians or italian language.
It is a multiple discrimination against autism and autistic people.

You are just in a "defending the mod" stance without even have understood the argument we are discussing.
Please stop polluting the thread, thanks.