Originally Posted by Squesing
Originally Posted by Malabolgia
Originally Posted by Squesing
[quote=Dark_Ansem][quote=Squesing][quote=The Composer]Sigh.

Sorry but right now you are the one polluting the thread.
You expressed the same concepts about autism (on which I agree) over and over and over, what exactly do you want?

I want the management of this forum takes responsability of this.

It is not hard to understand eh. Stop thinking about the game for just a minute, there is another problem here.

If you really agree with the concept then stand with me and say something to Raze

Yes, like you said, it's another problem. Here we're discussing about BG3 and the Italian localization.
Open a new thread under General Discussions if you're not satisfied with the way this forum is moderated, and some may come there and support your complains.
But please leave this thread for the purpose for which it was created. Grazie.

We must not promise what we ought not, lest we be called on to perform what we cannot.
Abraham Lincoln, 1856.