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Squesing I understand you're hurt but you are putting so much oil on the fire over this, it just doesn't help...

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"You're an island of tranquillity in a sea of chaos."

Since this topic derailed and it's now 13 pages long with many posts that are off topic, maybe we could create a new topic focused on the italian translation, without other inquiries or debates?

You're an island of tranquillity in a sea of chaos.
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I do reckon Vometia could reconsider closing the topic indeed. A new fresh slate would be beneficial for representing the feedback from Italian players in a better way. I'm not even Italian, don't have a foot in the pie, but I do support that any discussion has two sides and should be heard as long as they behave. I find myself neither for or against personally, I don't know the circumstances around needing to change plans but I'm sure they're just. That doesn't mean the Italians shouldn't have the opportunity to be heard and have a healthy discussion, and right now some of us are denying them that opportunity by unnecessary noise.

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Originally Posted by pbrosio
Originally Posted by Raze

A mildly insulting comment hardly rises to the level of attempted murder.
Consider fight outside a bar, if you want a real world analogy: if nobody is seriously hurt, and no property damage, police can tell people to break it up and go home, without arresting anyone. Same for letting a speeder or someone with a broken taillight off with a warning.

In any case, I fail to see how discussing this further would be productive, even if it wasn't off topic.

Deve essere bello il Canada... In Italia ti prendi comunque il reato di rissa

Probabilmente anche in Canada. È evidente che questo tizio sta totalmente parlando a caso, arrampicandosi su qualsiasi specchio gli sembri vagamente plausibile arrampicarsi pur di negare l'evidenza.

Pare quasi di parlare con un analfabeta funzionale di quelli che campeggiano i commenti sulla pagina di Salvini.

Ringraziasse che parlo male l'inglese...

Last edited by Squesing; 23/08/20 03:35 PM.
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Squesing, te lo scrivo in italiano per amor di patria.Per piacere potresti evitare di continuare a scrivere riguardo ad una cosa fuori dall’argomento? è una grande mancanza di rispetto nei confronti della community, italiana e non. RAZE è da questa mattina che si dedica a fornirti risposte che tu sei libero di non ti prego di finirla con questo teatrino su un post che ha la sua visibilità non di certo grazie a questo discorso che stai il tuo intento è sfruttare questa visibilità ecco fallo altrove. Avremmo potuto sfruttare la presenza di RAZE per fargli domande costruttive....invece questo modo di continuare a puntellare è veramente fastidioso...credimi, vista da fuori se continui con questa discussione e battaglia di certo perdiamo tutta la visibilità che questo thread ha acquisito...ti chiedo per piacere di smetterla senza neanche rispondere...continuando a chiedere dell’argomento ITALIA E BASTA. Se poi tu ne hai a sufficienza, libero di CREARE altri thread a lamentarti o aprirne uno tuo...STOP

Last edited by Maco; 23/08/20 03:36 PM.
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Originally Posted by The Composer
I do reckon Vometia could reconsider closing the topic indeed. A new fresh slate would be beneficial for representing the feedback from Italian players in a better way. I'm not even Italian, don't have a foot in the pie, but I do support that any discussion has two sides and should be heard as long as they behave. I find myself neither for or against personally, I don't know the circumstances around needing to change plans but I'm sure they're just. That doesn't mean the Italians shouldn't have the opportunity to be heard and have a healthy discussion, and right now some of us are denying them that opportunity by unnecessary noise.

I agree with you.
The latest posts in this thread have nothing to do with the main topic of the thread itself.

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Comunque chiedo scusa a tutta la community che giustamente vuole parlare della traduzione. Se nel giro di pochi commenti non mi riterrò soddisfatto aprirò un thread a parte. Anche se invitarmi a fare ciò sarebbe un altro dei compiti del moderatore. A quanto pare qui però siamo praticamente senza...

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Originally Posted by Trynd
Originally Posted by The Composer
I do reckon Vometia could reconsider closing the topic indeed. A new fresh slate would be beneficial for representing the feedback from Italian players in a better way. I'm not even Italian, don't have a foot in the pie, but I do support that any discussion has two sides and should be heard as long as they behave. I find myself neither for or against personally, I don't know the circumstances around needing to change plans but I'm sure they're just. That doesn't mean the Italians shouldn't have the opportunity to be heard and have a healthy discussion, and right now some of us are denying them that opportunity by unnecessary noise.

I agree with you.
The latest posts in this thread have nothing to do with the main topic of the thread itself.

Speak with the moderator about that. His responces are as off topic as mines. Ar least mine makes some sense (and ethic).

Last edited by Squesing; 23/08/20 03:40 PM.
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Please let's talk about the Italian localization of the game! We have a community of Italian fans who deserve to have the chance to have their own localization!
Even my last post this morning was lost in the pit of this off topic discussion.

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Premessa: scrivo questo post in italiano con allegata traduzione di google. Non sarà perfetta ma mi sembra abbastanza comprensibile.

Premise: I write this post in Italian with the google translation attached. It will not be perfect but it seems to me at least understandable.

Sono sconcertanto, deluso, allibito. Non ho veramente parole per descrivere quello che sto provando in questo momento. Evito di rivolgere insulti al team Larian (che comunque si meriterebbe), mi limito soltanto a constatare la totale assurdità di fare uscire un gioco come Baldur's Gate 3, che più che essere un gioco è un romanzo fantasy in versione videoludica, atteso spasmodicamente dagli appassionati per 20 anni, il miglior gioco di ruolo di tutti i tempi, una pietra miliare nella storia dei videogiochi, senza una traduzione in italiano. Ma davvero questi geni di Larian pensano che un gioco del genere possa risultare anche solo vagamente fruibile da chi non conosce perfettamente la lingua in cui è stato scritto? Qual'è la percentuale di italiani che conosce l'inglese a tal punto da poterselo godere senza una traduzione? Avrebbero fatto prima a non renderlo disponibile per il pubblico italiano e basta. Chi dice "impara l'inglese siamo nel 2020" non si rende minimamente conto di quel che dice. Un conto è sapere l'inglese, un altro è conoscerlo al punto tale da poter fare a meno di traduzioni per godersi opere narrativamente e linguisticamente complesse come probabilmente sarà baldur's gate 3.
Senza contare poi la faccenda delle due (mancate) traduzioni, effettuate gratuitamente da team di volontari, che sicuramente hanno aiutato non poco Larian nelle vendite dei suoi prodotti (io ho comprato Original Sin 1 e 2 proprio grazie alle traduzioni). Un minimo di riconoscenza ce lo si sarebbe aspettato. Ma forse anche no. Se un team di sviluppo ha avuto la faccia tosta di fare questo al proprio pubblico, la riconoscenza è davvero l'ultima cosa che ci si possa aspettare. Mi fermo qui, la rabbia sta salendo a ogni riga che scrivo e come ho detto all'inizio, preferisco evitare insulti. Dico solo che per i fan italiani questo comportamento da parte vostra è stato peggio di uno sputo in un occhio. Larian, hai veramente toppato.

I am disconcerted, disappointed, stunned. I really have no words to describe what I am feeling right now. I avoid insulting the Larian team (which in any case deserves it), I limit myself only to point out the total absurdity of releasing a game like Baldur's Gate 3, which more than being a game is a fantasy novel in a videogame version, spasmodically awaited by fans for 20 years, the best RPG of all time, a milestone in the history of video games, without any kind of Italian translation. But do these Larian geniuses really think that such a game can be even vaguely usable by those who do not know perfectly the language in which it was written? What is the percentage of Italians who know English to such an extent that they can enjoy it without a translation? They would have done before not to make it available to the Italian public and that's it. Those who say "learn English we are in 2020" do not even realize what they are saying. It is one thing to know English, another is to know it to the point that you can do without translations to enjoy narratively and linguistically complex works as baldur's gate 3 will probably be.
Not to mention the matter of the two (missing) translations, carried out for free by a team of volunteers, who certainly helped Larian a lot in the sales of his products (I bought Original Sin 1 and 2 thanks to the translations). We would have expected a minimum of gratitude. But maybe not too. If a development team has had the nerve to do this to their audiences, gratitude is really the last thing you can expect. I stop here, anger is rising with every line I write and as I said at the beginning, I prefer to avoid insults. I just wanna say that for the Italian fans this behavior on your part was worse than a spit in the eye. Larian, you really messed up.

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Originally Posted by Gt27mustang
Squesing I understand you're hurt but you are putting so much oil on the fire over this, it just doesn't help...

I am going to open a separate thread. Anyway I don't think that a soft line would have payed against that hate speech apologyst that calls himself moderator. He just lacks honesty and logic skills. So I prefer to say what i think about his actions without any kind of filters.

This is my last message here about this topic, I am going to open another thread in this section just to address that guy and this company to their responsibilities.

Last edited by Squesing; 23/08/20 06:08 PM.
Joined: Aug 2020
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Seen as Sven failed it's Deception roll, please not let the Forgotten Realms stay away from italy!
Just cast a Comprehend Languages spell and make Baldurs Gate 3 talk on Dante's Italian!
Don't break the tradition!

Last edited by Selven; 23/08/20 06:26 PM.
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please just spread it around the web, 1321 and counting so far

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[quote=Raze][quote=MadonnaPuttana]It's possible to open a kickstarter page to help you with translation costs?[/quote]
Unfortunately, it isn't primarily an issue of cost.

So what is the primarily issue ? Is Larian full of racists or what ?

Last edited by Denial; 23/08/20 11:11 PM.
Joined: May 2010
Location: Oxford
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
Location: Oxford
Originally Posted by The Composer
I do reckon Vometia could reconsider closing the topic indeed. A new fresh slate would be beneficial for representing the feedback from Italian players in a better way. I'm not even Italian, don't have a foot in the pie, but I do support that any discussion has two sides and should be heard as long as they behave. I find myself neither for or against personally, I don't know the circumstances around needing to change plans but I'm sure they're just. That doesn't mean the Italians shouldn't have the opportunity to be heard and have a healthy discussion, and right now some of us are denying them that opportunity by unnecessary noise.

Originally Posted by Trynd
Originally Posted by The Composer
I do reckon Vometia could reconsider closing the topic indeed. A new fresh slate would be beneficial for representing the feedback from Italian players in a better way. I'm not even Italian, don't have a foot in the pie, but I do support that any discussion has two sides and should be heard as long as they behave. I find myself neither for or against personally, I don't know the circumstances around needing to change plans but I'm sure they're just. That doesn't mean the Italians shouldn't have the opportunity to be heard and have a healthy discussion, and right now some of us are denying them that opportunity by unnecessary noise.

I agree with you.
The latest posts in this thread have nothing to do with the main topic of the thread itself.

As the new thread has now been created (which I have moved to the appropriate forum and left a pointer) hopefully this can now get back on topic. If the OP wishes to create a new thread that's fine and if so I'll close this one, otherwise we'll leave it as it is.

There are various reasons why it's not appropriate for me to comment further on the diversion in question so I will just remind everyone to be calm and polite. Set the standard you expect from others: while individuals may not agree with moderator decisions, ultimately their own conduct reflects on them, not anyone else.

J'aime le fromage.
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Dear Raze, Since it's not a cost issue, why can't we open a Kickstarter page? Or, if it's not a question of cost, why don't you just tell us: "Guys, don't worry. In the Final version we'll take care of you", instead of keeping everything in the balance?

I find it disconcerting that in 2020 there are these kinds of problems. We had the whole Forgotten saga translated. From the "Temple of Elemental Evil" to Neverwinter Nights.

To create a game like Baldur's Gate III you can't cut out Italy .. which has always proved to be a thriving land for fans of Faeroun and D & D in general.

Please reconsider your position, but do not give false hopes or phrases like "We will see at the end of the work", because in my humble opinion it would only worsen the situation

With the hope that you can reevaluate the matter, thank you for the chapters of D: OS that I am loving to madness, and for that I am sorry, because I know that Baldur's Gate III will be a masterpiece

Last edited by Sirius_Bk; 24/08/20 06:50 AM.
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Originally Posted by Sirius_Bk
Dear Raze, Since it's not a cost issue, why can't we open a Kickstarter page? Or, if it's not a question of cost, why don't you just tell us: "Guys, don't worry. In the Final version we'll take care of you", instead of keeping everything in the balance?

I find it disconcerting that in 2020 there are these kinds of problems. We had the whole Forgotten saga translated. From the "Temple of Elemental Evil" to Neverwinter Nights.

To create a game like Baldur's Gate III you can't cut out Italy .. which has always proved to be a thriving land for fans of Faeroun and D & D in general.

Please reconsider your position, but do not give false hopes or phrases like "We will see at the end of the work", because in my humble opinion it would only worsen the situation

With the hope that you can reevaluate the matter, thank you for the chapters of D: OS that I am loving to madness, and for that I am sorry, because I know that Baldur's Gate III will be a masterpiece

exactly we would like to have an official statement from you (Larian). maybe on your social Media

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Originally Posted by daniloursen
Originally Posted by Sirius_Bk
Dear Raze, Since it's not a cost issue, why can't we open a Kickstarter page? Or, if it's not a question of cost, why don't you just tell us: "Guys, don't worry. In the Final version we'll take care of you", instead of keeping everything in the balance?

I find it disconcerting that in 2020 there are these kinds of problems. We had the whole Forgotten saga translated. From the "Temple of Elemental Evil" to Neverwinter Nights.

To create a game like Baldur's Gate III you can't cut out Italy .. which has always proved to be a thriving land for fans of Faeroun and D & D in general.

Please reconsider your position, but do not give false hopes or phrases like "We will see at the end of the work", because in my humble opinion it would only worsen the situation

With the hope that you can reevaluate the matter, thank you for the chapters of D: OS that I am loving to madness, and for that I am sorry, because I know that Baldur's Gate III will be a masterpiece

exactly we would like to have an official statement from you (Larian). maybe on your social Media

What they said please

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Please Larian give us the game translated

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it seems clear to me from the answers of the larian that they are not interested in making the subtitle in Italian, they probably never intended to do it.

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