[quote=The Composer]

With that, I can assure you that Larian does care a lot about all of its communities, and your passion hasn't gone unnoticed. I'd love to remind you that just because what ever the reasons are for needing to not include Italian in the first pass of localization, doesn't mean Larian doesn't want Italian language in their game. It's just a matter of priorities versus where time is spent, I think.


Unfortunately, the facts show the opposite thesis. I believe our passion has been amply demonstrated after 2 translations given away by our community, if the "cost-benefit" ratio were really negative for them, they could still make the "effort" precisely in relation to the earnings received at no cost from the Italian translation of two Divinity.

The biggest mistake of the larian studios was to assume (without the slightest research about it) that the target of Baldur's Gate (and the universe of D&D) could be the same for all their previous titles, just think that Baldur's Gate 2 in Italy was even dubbed ... and obviously the other mistake was to hide the news of the non-dubbing underground, we know it by chance due to a question from a user who could not even arrive. (I use google translate sorry)

Last edited by Paradox17; 24/08/20 12:34 PM.