Originally Posted by Wormerine
Originally Posted by Malabolgia

Of course it's different, even if leading to the same result.
If they told you they are making BG3 and then they suddenly remove any reference to D&D, wouldn't that be annoying?
My example is deliberately exaggerated, but would it be different if they told you from the beginning? Yes.

This has something to do with the ethic of a company.

Oh, it's annoying for sure. I am just not sure where the ethics fit in, unless you, again, claim that Sven deliberately lied to the public about that - which is a silly assumption as literally he had nothing to gain. I am yet to hear of the game which development process went as expected, in direction that was planned.

Spelunky2 will come out late for PC "for reasons". Is it annoying? Very! Is it unethical... not really. Sucks to be me when PS4 users will get to play the game that I have been looking forward to a lot. Still, for know I know that S2 WILL come to PC at some point, and I hope for the same for you.

But hey! I learned a lot of english by playing RPGs with dictionary in hand (I even had to do that for PoE1 as Obsidian's vocabulary likes to go beyond simple englished used by most companies). You can play BG3 AND make it productive!

Playing with a dictionary in your hands after a hard work day isn't exactly what I call a fun and relaxing experience.
It isn't your standard adventure game like, I dont know, Resident Evil or Far Cry or Assassin's Creed, it's a game with tons of dialogues, most of time with particular terminologies, idioms and words that aren't easy to understand.
I tried Disco Elysium, and even if I've been playing for 13 years in english servers with a game like World of Warcraft (recently I got rank 14 on classic, so I've been talking for the last 4 months in english with people from every part of the world in discord), I had to refund Disco Elysium because it was literally unplayable, unfun and frustrating experience.

Last edited by Trynd; 24/08/20 03:38 PM.