Originally Posted by Wormerine

But hey! I learned a lot of english by playing RPGs with dictionary in hand (I even had to do that for PoE1 as Obsidian's vocabulary likes to go beyond simple englished used by most companies). You can play BG3 AND make it productive!

Look, all day I work with the French language, the English language ... and in the evening or at the weekend when I can play I would like to relax and play in my native language, without having to be there with a dictionary to look up if I don't understand some words. Consider that I'm half Italian and half Portuguese, so I know a few languages ... but when I play I'm lazy.

Originally Posted by Wormerine

Spelunky2 will come out late for PC "for reasons". Is it annoying? Very! Is it unethical... not really. Sucks to be me when PS4 users will get to play the game that I have been looking forward to a lot. Still, for know I know that S2 WILL come to PC at some point, and I hope for the same for you.

It's different in my opinion, if a game only comes out for PS4 and not for PC, you are still free to wait for it to come out on PC or buy the PS4 to play it right away. A localization until you are sure it will be released (and we are not yet sure if there will be this blessed Italian translation in the future for BG3) is like having nothing in hand (in ita "avere solo una manciata di mosche in mano") ... no certainty!

Last edited by Elledain; 24/08/20 06:55 PM.