So please, explain exactly what kind of TB methodology BG3 is going to be and also explain why that doesn't fit into what I've described?
With the type of TB that will be in BG3, you can never find a "character [that] keeps executing the last order given, such as a thief in the rear of the party continuously firing arrows at the nearest target until ordered to do something different."
That doesn't answer the question so your point is a pointless red herring. EXACTLY what kind of TB methodology is BG3 using? I'm guessing you don't directly answer the question because you don't know the answer, or maybe you don't even understand the question. Also, not necessarily, so your claim is false. Simply being turn based doesn't necessarily mean a new turn cancels a previous order. So, a character can continue to execute the last order given from turn to turn unless all orders are automatically canceled at the end of each turn to thus require issuing orders, either repeating the same order or given a different order, every turn. So, is BG3 using a TB methodology that will cancel all orders at the end of each turn so that we will have to issue every character orders each and every turn even if we want them to do the same thing they did last turn? That could get tedious.
Originally Posted by Emrikol
Originally Posted by Vlad the Impaler
So please, explain exactly what kind of TB methodology BG3 is going to be and also explain why that doesn't fit into what I've described?
The type of TB that will be in BG3 will not be like an RTwP game where you "auto pause only for rounds and ... not manually [pause] at any other time."
LOL That's another pointless point that says nothing meaningful because EVERY TB game is like that regardless of the which kind of TB method it uses. In TB games every turn ends when it ends (usually as a function of time). Or, to put it another way, the game pauses at the end of each turn and only at the end of each turn and the player cannot pause the game at any other time. So, EXACTLY what is the meaningful difference between a TB game that pauses at the end of each turn so the player can take new action or repeat the previous action, and can give new orders to NPCs or repeat previous orders, versus a RTwP game that is set to pause only at the end of each turn and the player doesn't pause at any other time? In BOTH cases the game is pausing at exactly the same time for exactly the same reason - i.e. because current turn ended.
Originally Posted by Emrikol
Originally Posted by Vlad the Impaler
So please, explain exactly what kind of TB methodology BG3 is going to be and also explain why that doesn't fit into what I've described?
The type of TB that will be in BG3 will not allow you to accomplish anything as "a passive observer while the turn runs," because nothing automatically happens on your character's turn.
Nice try with another lame dodge of a direct question because that response also doesn't directly answer the direct question. Are you even able to directly answer a direct question?
Anyway, your third claim is patently false and dishonestly misrepresents what I explain in the relevant comments and dishonestly ignores the very detailed example I give. What automatically happens during the current running turn in EVERY TB game - EVEN in BG3 - is the AI characters execute what the computer tells them to do and the player's characters execute the orders the player gave to the player's characters/units. In a straight up TB game without reaction the player becomes totally irrelevant once the turn begins running because unless the methodology is IGoUGo with reaction or WeGo without reaction the player does NOTHING but watch when the turn runs. The player cannot provide any input to change anything during the turn. Whatever is going to happen is going to happen regardless of whether the player watches the turn execute or not. Thus, the player is functionally nothing more than a passive observer. Unless, again, a game is TB with reaction.
Are you now claiming that BG3 is going to be TB with reaction so player input is possible if not necessary DURING the turn like in Steel Panthers and Starfleet Battles (both of which are TB games with reaction)?