Originally Posted by Maximuuus

Keep in mind I was talking about stories and time management.
It looks like the word "simulation" leads you somewhere else but... I even don't understand why I have to explain why RT is way more accurate to reality than TB, especially in battles...

Whatever are our own preferences, it's a fact.

In terms of games "simulation" leads me to immersive sim - with consistant systems which are simulated - so like items have weight that not only is part of inventory managemenet, but if put in ground will make pressure plate sink if appropriate. In that regards Larian is the most simulationist RPG designer I have seen in a long while.

As to what you mean, you do seem to have very selective application of "more like real life" which I don't quite follow. Personally, I would be more bothered by AC, which is highly illogical - I mean putting heavy armor someone makes you harder to hit? It's not like it's abstraction of damage reduction, which exists (or already existed). And "forgetting" spells until sitting on ones butt for a while to re-remember them.

As to stories - "shrug" devs have similar amount of tools at their disposal to create encounters that would contribute to the narrative. The hurdle to jump over is accepting turn order as "simulation" of character reflexes and speed. I don't personally find it it to be a big think to ask. That said, I played quite a lot of turn based games in my youth, like UFO or ADOM so I might be more inclined toward it as a valid system for an immersive RPG.