Originally Posted by Annyliese
Originally Posted by _Vic_
I hope they do not use copypaste dialogues like in IWD or NWN2, where they refer at Duergar, drow, svirfneblin or races outside the Human reings as "Underdark dweller" instead of a different dialogue for every race... =p

I mean, Githyankis would have little in common with the underdark races in... uh,... everything besides despising mindflayers, I think.

I agree, giving the unusual race options is pretty hollow (feels tacked on, even) if in dialogue it makes no mention of it. This is why I think those races should just be avoided.

On Drow, however, they're not as taboo as they once were. They can safely and actively trade in the city of Baldur's Gate for example.

Drow were taboo to play because they were a “monster race.” It's hard to imagine it today in 5E, but back when TSR was holding the D&D license you generally didn't get to play monster races. You could only create characters from the “good races” (halflings, elves, dwarves and humans). Luckily we have evolved as players and dms past this mind set and can find interesting ways to implement them in the game Volo's Guide to Monsters added great races such as Goblin, Aasimar, Triton, Lizardfolk ect...

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