Originally Posted by Dragon_Master
There are a series of questions I ask over on the Steam forums every single time someone says BG3 is DOS3.

1. How many action points does it take to move?
2. How many action points does it take to attack?
3. How many rounds of cooldown would you need to wait before you can cast a fireball spell a second time?
4. Where in Rivellon is the city of Baldur's Gate located?
5. Who has access to Source in the Forgotten Realms?

Every single time I ask these questions I'm either insulted or they double down and never make any attempt to answer any of the questions. The answers are very basic and simple. No action points to move or attack because D&D 5E, and BG3 don't use action points whereas DOS does, there are no cool-down rounds for using spells and abilities, only spell slots, Rivellon is not the Forgotten Realms and Source is not a thing.

Of course, answering these questions always disproves the very premise that BG3 is DOS3 so no one ever answers them when they're also saying BG3 is DOS.

I don't necessarily agree.

The first three questions could be just a matter of using an updated rules system. Case in point, Icewind Dale 1 uses an adapted Advanced 2nd Edition rules, while Icewind Dale 2 uses D&D 3rd Edition rules. Both are very different editions of D&D; one uses THAC0, the other doesn't. One has race/class restrictions, the other doesnt. One has different XP/Level advancement per class, the other doesn't. I could go on, and list every difference between the rules systems, but yet it still FEELS like a continuation of the Icewind Dale series.

The last two questions could just be a matter of reskinning/refluffing; i.e. renaming city X to match Y setting. Or renaming ability or power X to fit in with Y setting.

The fact is, there are many who are of the opinion that BG3 doesn't FEEL like a continuation of BG; And this isn't necessarily about graphics. For example, I personally find that Pillars of Eternity I & II evoke the feeling of BG I & II more than than BG3 does.