Originally Posted by AnonySimon
The fact is, there are many who are of the opinion that BG3 doesn't FEEL like a continuation of BG; And this isn't necessarily about graphics. For example, I personally find that Pillars of Eternity I & II evoke the feeling of BG I & II more than than BG3 does.

The real honest truth is....none of us can truly argue either way on that, because what we 'know' right now is only a very small slice of the Act 1 experience. We know nothing of the full storyline tie-in to the first two games they have planned through and by the end of the fully released game. If you instead mean contextually about the engine/UI aside from graphics, then unless they add some kind of 'UI flavor' from the original games a bit by the end, then no, its not going to feel like BG1/2...but they've stated pretty openly they never intended to, and why. You can take just the basic statement Swen has stated a couple of times: "We want to innovate in the RPG genre"....or if you want a deeper dive, you can go back and refresh yourself on things stated in certain points in these 2 articles (ironically both involving Adam Smith for the pertinent comments):



Certainly that doesn't mean everyone has to like or agree with it either, I think they're very aware and understand the other side of the coin there - just saying, they made their decision about what they were doing in terms of continuing/building on the engine and 'getting as close to PNP D&D as possible' approach they had built to date coming out of DOS2, to then start fresh with BG3 rather than being shackled to the gamestyle/gameplay of the prior games. At the same time they're moving forward with a different playstyle however, if you stay open to it....there are many times both in these two articles and in others as well where its clear that they definitely want to keep the ties and the nostalgia from the first two games and the events/characters from them alive in the new one.

Ultimately, we all have to wait and see what reality unfolds once we've had a month or two into final release to really have informed opinions either way though.

Last edited by Tyndaleon; 01/09/20 02:45 AM.

“Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do. But it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving.”---Dale Carnegie.