Originally Posted by Nebbit
Well, if you saw all the childish answers on steam, there was no point in continuing the conversation there.

Steam discussions are always pretty terrible, I think the accessibility of them are a big reason why. It's so easy to get there that it's a quick and easy outlet for all sorts of degenerate behavior.

Originally Posted by Nebbit

If they want money, make people pay for the beta key and call it early access. I'm not saying early access is bad, but it is still just early access.

This is exactly what they did, I guess you just don't like the price. Early access doesn't always mean a discount, yeah a lot of games do it (I mostly see the ones that end up spending 5 years in EA do it, which BG3 is hopefully not going to be one of those), but plenty also do not. 60 bucks may be high but for the quality we can rightfully expect from Larian, I definitely see the value in it.

And of course you don't have to buy into EA. You can always wait for the full game to justify the price tag.

Originally Posted by Nebbit

And the reasoning behind the full price tag was that Baldurs Gate 3 was bigger and more expensive than Original Sin 1 and 2. Just because one game is biggger and more expensive than another, does not make it worth more as a Early Access title. This is why I think it is greedy.

So if they're putting a larger investment into the game, with double the staff and significantly more complexity and all that, you don't see how they can justify charging more out the gate? I mean that all seems perfectly reasonable to me. If the cost to produce something is higher, that usually translates into the cost to consumers.