Originally Posted by Nebbit
Well, if you saw all the childish answers on steam, there was no point in continuing the conversation there..

I'm a regular participant on the Steam forum, I was actually one of the people who responded to you, and the responses were not childish at all....they were simply refuting your opinion with actual logic and fact. And you do yourself no favors when your first post out the gate basically is telling everyone that if they don't agree with you, they're delusional and wrong.

Also, comparing a hardware appliance such as a tv to a piece of gaming software is more than a bit of a ridiculous comparison - its not even comparable to apples vs oranges, but rather more like apples to socket wrenches.

Last edited by Tyndaleon; 04/09/20 05:39 PM.

“Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do. But it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving.”---Dale Carnegie.