Originally Posted by Nebbit
Well, if you saw all the childish answers on steam, there was no point in continuing the conversation there.

Yes, I think it is greedy to have people pay full price for something that is essential a alpha/beta, even if they call it early access.
If they want people to test the game, give people alpha/beta keys. If they want money, make people pay for the beta key and call it early access. I'm not saying early access is bad, but it is still just early access.

Personally, I have never seen a company put a full game price tag on a early access before, specially not a $60 price. And the reasoning behind the full price tag was that Baldurs Gate 3 was bigger and more expensive than Original Sin 1 and 2. Just because one game is biggger and more expensive than another, does not make it worth more as a Early Access title. This is why I think it is greedy.

No one is going to force you to buy Early Access. There is not going to be any preorder bonus or incentive given to Early Access backers which people who buy it on launch won't get. If you feel the price is unfair, then don't buy it. It's really simple.