Originally Posted by Tyndaleon
Originally Posted by Nebbit
Well, if you saw all the childish answers on steam, there was no point in continuing the conversation there..

I'm a regular participant on the Steam forum, I was actually one of the people who responded to you, and the responses were not childish at all....they were simply refuting your opinion with actual logic and fact. And you do yourself no favors when your first post out the gate basically is telling everyone that if they don't agree with you, they're delusional and wrong.

Also, comparing a hardware appliance such as a tv to a piece of gaming software is more than a bit of a ridiculous comparison - its not even comparable to apples vs oranges, but rather more like apples to socket wrenches.

Well, If comments like these are not childish, then we have different opinions on what childish comments are.
"Nebbit sounds like Panda with a different account."
"Also noting Nebbit ^ is setting out to be a one-trick pony of a forum troll"
"Shut up. Just don't buy it during EA. Buy it when if fully releases. And shut the hell up."

Yes I compared it to a tv, but it does not matter what I would compare it to, the point would still be the same, replace "tv" with anything else. I guess you just didn't get my point, and I might have written it poorly, English is not my main language.

I'm just saying that early access is early access, it is not a preorder. A preorder is a preorder. Yes, the price you pay will give you the full release at the end, but you are still not paying for the full release, you are paying for early access. Greedy might be a bad choice of words, I just don't know a better word for it.
Yes, this game will most likely be worth more than others, not saying it wouldn't. What I'm saying is that early access, is just that, early access. And should then have a early access price. If the game at full release is worth $60, then early access should be less. like $45 - $50.
I might be the only one to think this way though laugh

Yes, I know I don't have to buy the game if I don't want to pay the $60. I will pay the $60, and I will probably love the game, but I feel like I'm still allowed to think the price is too high and that I'm allowed to put my thoughts into the discussion.