Originally Posted by Nebbit

Well, If comments like these are not childish, then we have different opinions on what childish comments are.
"Nebbit sounds like Panda with a different account."
"Also noting Nebbit ^ is setting out to be a one-trick pony of a forum troll"
"Shut up. Just don't buy it during EA. Buy it when if fully releases. And shut the hell up."

Fine, I'll be happy to address each of those:

#1 is simply a statement of observation, nothing more, and one that was 100% on point/accurate. #2 was actually posted by me, and again, is simply a statement of observation that was 100% on point/accurate by all observable evidence (and, interesting that you conveniently omitted the rest of the statement of mine you're quoting that precisely showed why the half-quote you're pulling out was said). #3, If you wish to characterize that as supposedly childish, then fine, let's assume it was childish.

However, If you wish to make such claims then, you must also hold the mirror up to your own face and judge your own actions by the same standard you are holding others to. When we do that, the character and tone of your entire post was childish because, for starters, it was your first post in the forum (and thus no one had any prior interaction to go on to judge you otherwise), you attempted to use half-baked logic to try and present your flawed opinion as fact, you mischaracterized Larian's stance as 'greedy', which most of the more 'mature' of us completely understand and recognize Larian's intention having an EA period after preorders launch differently...and finally and most importantly, your posting history on Steam showed you to be a troll poster who's only other posts were in the forum of another game that none of the rest of us had ever heard of, and the post subject for those posts was the exact same trolling mantra there too: EA should be discounted or free.

So, you had no presence in nor engagement with the BG3 Steam community until you suddenly appeared with that post, and you characterized everyone who didn't agree with your flawed opinion as being delusional and wrong if they didn't agree with your flawed opinion. Additionally, you came around out of the woodwork at a time in which we'd already had several other troll posters (including one lingering guy in particular who interjected his skewed opinion of EA everytime it was mentioned in every thread ad nauseum who since got himself banned) trying to push the same agenda. But, bottom line, by your own standard you're judging others, you fall victim to the same classification yourself, and furthermore then a hypocrite in doing so.

So, let me make a suggestion on how to make a truly mature post in this context: Simply state: 'I can only speak for myself, but I was hoping that EA would be discounted, and I'm disappointed by that fact for (XYZ real world reasons that pertain to my financial circumstances or otherwise philosophical perspective, etc.)....but it is what it is. I'll continue to weigh what I see come out and determine if I'm willing to pay the price being asked for the game during EA phase, but otherwise, I'll wait and pay that same full price at launch.'

Originally Posted by Nebbit
I'm just saying that early access is early access, it is not a preorder.

That is an opinion, but it is not factual. Let's analyze this with logic and reason, with the facts at hand, shall we?

1. If Larian opened up the ability to pay for the game on September 30th, and was not conducting any Early Access period, by very definition in actual fact - -that is exactly what a preorder is.

2. Even though EA *is* going to be conducted, you are paying for the fully released game ahead of time regardless. You don't pay one price for EA, and another price for full release. This has been confirmed multiple times, including by Raze, who is a Larian rep on this forum, just yesterday.

3. Taking facts #1 and #2 into account, that by process of extrapolation then means that, whether you (a) purchased the game on September 30th, but never fired up the game one single time to play before the eventual date of full release, or (b) you decided to play through any part of the EA period, which limits you to only content in the first segment of the game - you are preordering the full game either way.

So bringing it all back home and taking your post content here, if we're going to use the characterization of 'childish' in proper application, a child is usually the person who throws a tantrum because they didn't get exactly what they wanted, didn't get it when they wanted, or didn't get it how they wanted. Thus, your mischaracterization of Larian as being 'extremely greedy' for, heaven forbid, asking people to preorder a game for the same price they'll be asking for it at launch, in a scenario in which it is 100% optional whether you want to participate in the Early Access period - at the same time they've actively stated that, if you're expecting a fully polished game experience, please *do not* particpate - comes across to most of us as not a remotely mature reaction, and certainly not constructive feedback.

As to your last sentence: absolutely you are allowed to feel the price is too high on a personal level, and allowed to put your thoughts into the discussion. All of us have our own unique perspectives on things in the world, not just BG3. Just perhaps try to do so in a more mature manner that characterizes your opinion solely *as* your opinion/perspective and nothing else....and be willing to accept when people don't agree with you. I'd probably still have judged you as a forum troll based on your Steam posting history the same way regardless if I'm being honest about it, but I'd be much less critical of the Steam post being referenced if you had omitted the last few paragraphs and not tried to make commentary about others' perspectives going in.

Last edited by Tyndaleon; 05/09/20 09:33 PM.

“Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do. But it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving.”---Dale Carnegie.