Originally Posted by Annyliese
It's not a demo, it is a release version of the game, unfinished or not. The reason this is important, though, is that if someone buys the game under the impression that the game will come out as it has currently be seen, they may end up disappointed with the purchase when the finished version of the game is patched in, or even just on one of the larger EA updates.

There have been warnings, and will continue to be, that anyone wanting a polished experience should wait for the full release. The purpose of Early Access is to get feedback and test systems, and even excluding planed content that will not be ready for Early Access, there will be changes and adjustments made throughout. That has been described and will be again in more detail closer to release, when asking people to agree to provide anonymous gameplay data.

Originally Posted by Nebbit
And If you are so interested in a discussion on steam, why don't you bring that part of the discussion there?

Good idea. Even better would be not arguing about the content of previous arguments, especially when an attempt was made here to be more constructive.

Originally Posted by Nebbit
and yet you assume that I would know what a Panda is, and why it would not be childish to call people that.

Who, not what. It was an observation that you were posting similar sentiments and/or style as another poster.