
I stand by my prior post. I analyzed and explained why the content of the Steam post you made & referenced was reacted to as it was, since you brought the comments made to you over here. As stated in that reply, no one knew of you until that point, all we had to go by was the tone and character of your post in addition to what your Steam history said for you, which was also a rant about EA for another game. And I suggested perhaps a healthier, more mature and constructive way to share your opinion(s) going forward. To turn your own phrase: if that's what you consider an 'attack', then you and I have very different views on what constitutes an 'attack'. If somehow you misunderstood something of it based on the language differential you brought forth, then I'll be happy to apologize in that instance.

As it relates to EA, different developers/game publishers have different approaches, goals, contexts and history involved in each case. In the specific case of Larian and BG3, EA vs pre-order is not an either/or proposition but rather one of conjunction of both. A random Google to a Wikipedia article or the like doesn't apply the same in every situation. Regardless if you choose to participate in EA or not, if you purchase BG3 before the official launch date, you are by very definition pre-ordering in this case. As Raze reminded as well, Larian has repeatedly warned the wrong minded sort of consumer away and advised they don't pre-order and play in EA, and instead pay for the game after release.

Essentially, it sounds as though waiting would be the best decision and approach for you, but whatever you decide, my hope is that you come to enjoy the game as much as the rest of us, and I wish you well sir.

“Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do. But it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving.”---Dale Carnegie.