Eh...I'd argue that as subjective perspective though from a holistic view, not one in which either angle of view is necessarily right or wrong - the DA games have both similarities and differences to what came before them. While there may be stylistic carry overs intended in gameplay and basic constructs in the DA games, you're still dealing with a completely different game engine, IP/content set in a completely different fantasy universe, etc. As Dagless said before, it's more of an evolution to what came before.

To your last point in the first line, I also wouldn't argue that BG3 isn't different to varying degrees depending on the contextual angle of approach, from the IE games as it relates to game mechanics, because of course it is going to be compared to the older games on that measure alone just simply due to the fact that it will be a modern game using a true D&D turn based rules based implementation (or as close as they can get to it).

“Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do. But it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving.”---Dale Carnegie.