Originally Posted by Raze
Originally Posted by Warlocke
My experience with lots of gamers online has been a lot of casual racism and misogyny

How many is 'lots'? Online gaming is still a small fraction of the gaming community, and if you are referring to trash talk in competitive games, I would discount that anyway.
Literally everything is racist or misogynistic (air conditioners, weather, etc), and those terms have been thrown around so much that they are practically meaningless.

Again, has anyone here required your race or gender, etc, to determine how to interact with you, or referenced that at all?
A statement can be generally true even if there are exceptions (which is why I wrote 'generally' rather than 'universally'). Compared to other real groups, gamers are among the most open and inclusive.

I edited my first post to clarify “lots.”

I don’t see why somebody calling me n***** or f** in a competitive game should be discounted. At what point did we decide there is ever a time or place when that is an okay way to treat a stranger?

I’m not going to argue on whether racist and misogynist are over-applied labels because I don’t need to. I’ve seen enough unequivocally bad behavior that I don’t need to reach for dubious examples. Calling somebody n***** is racist, so the term hasn’t lost its meaning.