Originally Posted by Skallewag
Yes I do think hating and mistreating people for their skincolor is a worse problem than trolling.
But even if both of them are hust as bad it doesnt change my argument. Trolling and racism are caused by different motivations, if you want to fight either of them efficently you need to differentiate them.

Think of it in medical terms. There are bacteria and viruses that can have the same really bad symtome. If you want to be able to treat the bad symtome you need to know the underlying cause. Will antibiotics work or will they do nothing?

I'm not sure how much the law would differentiate (I mean unless the culprit was a known member of hate groups etc but that's a different matter) wherever it is applied; and as many people have discovered to their cost, their online behaviour can and will have them held to account as it is IRL. Even if not a legal matter to begin with, as we know, intemperate behaviour online can often escalate into stuff like doxxing and even swatting and some gamer communities are notorious for this stuff; and while we can split hairs about "bad words", that sort of stuff is unacceptable and definitely very illegal.

IMHO we as a community are doing a pretty poor job of it if we've set the bar so low that we're having to consider what threshold of acceptable behaviour is the legal minimum. I'm not talking SJW stuff here, just basic civility. While I personally may not agree with the concept of "diversity clinics" or whatever we choose to call them, it does not follow that the only alternative is to do the opposite.

J'aime le fromage.